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James Rehg

Assistant Professor
College of Computing

James Rehg is an Assistant Professor in the College of Computing. From 1995-2001, he worked at Compaq's Cambridge Research Laboratory (CRL) in Cambridge, MA, where he led a research project on vision-based human sensing. His research projects include:

  • Motion Capture from Movies - How can we unlock the vast corpus of existing video footage (movies, sports broadcasts, etc.) and learn useful models of human movement and behavior?
  • Audio-visual Speaker Detection - A basic problem in speech-based user-interfaces is to determine when someone is speaking to the system. What is the best way to do this in open-mike, multi-speaker scenarios?
  • Boosting Bayesian networks - Bayesian networks have proven to be a useful tool in representing complex probability distributions. How can we use them to build effective classifers?
  • Projected Light Displays - How can we build flexible, interactive wall-sized displays using LCD projectors and cameras?
  • D-Stampede - Spatially-distributed sensing systems such as the Aware Home pose a challenging distributed computing problem. What are the right abstractions for the computing and communication characteristics of these applications, and what are the implications for system design?

    Contact information:

    James Rehg
    Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center
    College of Computing
    801 Atlantic Drive
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280
    E-mail: rehg@cc.gatech.edu


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