Gregory VanHoosier-Carey
Assistant Professor,
School of Literature, Communication, and Culture
VanHoosier-Carey, Assistant Professor in the School of
Literature, Communication and Culture, received his Ph.D. from the
University of Texas
at Austin in 1995. Before coming to Georgia Tech, he served as Assistant
Director of the Computer Writing and Research Labs at UT-Austin,
overseeing teaching and pedagogical training in the CWRL's electronic
classrooms as well as developing courseware for rhetoric and humanities
courses. His interests include electronic communication, visual
information, computer-mediated pedagogy, and cultural studies of
information technology. His current research is directed toward
investigating the impact of multimedia and hypermedia on traditional
conceptions of "reading" and "writing" and developing teaching tools and
methods that address that impact.
Contact information:
Gregory VanHoosier-Carey
Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center
College of Computing
801 Atlantic Drive
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280
E-mail: greg.vanhoosiercarey@lcc.gatech.edu