Ellen Strain
Assistant Professor
School of Literature, Communication and Culture
Ellen Strain teaches multimedia design and video production in the
Information Design and Technology Program,
within the School of Literature, Culture and Communication. At the undergraduate level,
she teaches primarily film classes.
Her research is dedicated to the theorization of cross-cultural spectatorship
in popular culture, with particular attention to the effects of visual
technologies ranging from stereoscopes and film to virtual reality. She is
currently working on a manuscript entitled "Public Places, Private Journeys:
Technology and the Mobilized Gaze of the Tourist." The manuscript moves from
stereographs forward to virtual reality with particular emphasis on the use of
exoticized environments and cross-cultural interactions as an ideal testing
ground for newly introduced immersive technologies.
She also conducts research on the project, "Griffith in Context," a multimedia
tool for the analysis of the 1915 film "Birth of a Nation;" jointly authored by
GVU faculty member Greg VanHoosier-Carey. Other research interests include the
history of immersive entertainment forms and multimedia interventions in film
studies pedagogy. Ellen has a Ph.D. in Critical Studies from the University of
Southern California School of Cinema-Television.
Contact information:
Ellen Strain
Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center
College of Computing
801 Atlantic Drive
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280
E-mail: ellen.strain@lcc.gatech.edu