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School of Psychology

Christopher B. Mayhorn

Postdoctoral Fellow
School of Psychology

Christopher Mayhorn is a graduate of the University of Georgia where he received a Ph.D. and Master's degree in cognitive/experimental psychology in 1999 and 1995, respectively. His research interests and experience include areas such as applied cognition, healthcare and human factors.

Recently, he developed a paradigm to investigate a memory phenomenon associated with older adults' non-adherence to medication regimens. He has also conducted focus groups to determine how older adult perceive and comply with warning information provided on household products. In the past, he has investigated the ability of older adults to sleep in the nursing home environment and have worked to implement a behavioral intervention designed to improve quality of life. He is collaborating with Wendy Rogers and Dan Fisk to develop training materials to teach older adults how to use new technologies such as the World Wide Web. He is also involved with research being conducted at the Aware Home.

Contact information:

Christopher Mayhorn
School of Psychology
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-1070 USA
Phone: (404) 894-2681
E-mail: cmayhorn@hotmail.com


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