Bill Ribarsky
Associate Director for External Relations
Principal Research Scientist,
College of Computing
William Ribarsky is a Principal Research Scientist in the
College of Computing
and Associate Director for Service and Computing in the GVU Center. He
received his Ph.D. in Physics from the
University of Cincinnati.
Dr. Ribarsky leads the
Data Visualization Group,
which has the charge of exploring general data and information visualization
methods for a broad range of applications and in environments including
workstation-based, collaborative, and virtual reality. He is a member
of the IEEE Computer Society, the American Physical Society, and on the
executive committee of the IEEE Technical Committee for Computer Graphics.
Contact information:
Bill Ribarsky
Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center
College of Computing
801 Atlantic Drive
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280
E-mail: bill.ribarsky@cc.gatech.edu