Elizabeth (Beth) Thorpe Davis
Associate Professor,
School of Psychology
Elizabeth (Beth) Thorpe Davis received her Ph.D. in Experimental
Psychology from
Columbia University
in 1979, was awarded a Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Fellowship,
and received her M.S. in Computer Science
from Columbia in 1987. She was an Associate Professor at
S.U.N.Y. State
College of Optometry before coming to Georgia Tech, where she is an
Associate Professor in the School of Psychology and Co-Associate Director
for Internal Relations in the GVU Center. Her research interests include
theoretical and empirical studies of human spatial perception, assessment
of visual function in clinical patients, theoretical and empirical studies
of human spatial perception in real and virtual environments, and
psychophysical assessment of computer displays. Her research has been
supported by the National Institutes of Health, the
American Academy of Optometry, and S.U.N.Y. Research Foundation.
She is a member of APA, Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology, New York Academy of Science, Optical Society
of America, Pi Mu Epsilon, Psychonomic Society, Sigma Xi, and SPIE.
Contact information:
Elizabeth (Beth) Thorpe Davis
Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center
College of Computing
801 Atlantic Drive
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280
E-mail: elizabeth.davis@psych.gatech.edu