Amy Bruckman
Assistant Professor,
College of Computing
Amy S. Bruckman is
an Assistant Professor at the College of
Computing at
Georgia Tech, where she does research on
virtual communities and education. She received her PhD in the
Epistemology and Learning
Group at the
MIT Media Lab. Her dissertation is
Crossing: Construction, Community, and Learning
in a Networked Virtual World for Kids.
Crossing is a constructionist learning
environment designed to get kids excited about reading, writing, and
Membership is free, and she is eager to have more kids join. Big people are
welcome too.
Professor Bruckman is also the founder of
MediaMOO, a
designed to be a professional community for media researchers. The paper "The MediaMOO
Project: Constructionism and Professional Community", written together with
Mitchel Resnick, appeared in the
journal Convergence, Spring 1995.
For more information about her work, please be sure to visit her
CoC Faculty Web Page, where
you'll find a
comprehensive index of all of her papers.
Contact information:
Amy Bruckman
Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center
College of Computing
801 Atlantic Drive
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280
E-mail: amy.bruckman@cc.gatech.edu