Yves Darly Jean
1049 Powers Ferry Road #2000-8
Marietta, GA 30067
phone: (404) 612-1679
internet: yves@cc.gatech.edu
URL: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/people/Phd/Yves.Darly.Jean.html
A position in areas related to (but not limited to) Interactive Graphics and the Visualization of Large Datasets.
- Ph.D. in Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, Georgia
Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center
March 1996
- M.S. Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, Georgia
Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center
- B.S. in Electrical Engineering
Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science - New York City, New York
- 1994 GTE Fellowship
- 1991 Intel Foundation "Best of the Best" Graduate Fellowship
- 1990 Xerox Corporation Computer Science Ph.D. Fellowship
- 1989 National Science Foundation, "Creativity in
Engineering," 3 year Graduate Fellowship
- Graduate Research Assistant
Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, Georgia
Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center
Visualization software developer on a multi-disciplinary NASA project: "Parallelization & Visual Analysis of
Dynamical/Chemical Atmospheric Models". Responsible for the user
interface for the system and the atmospheric modules. The system was implemented in an IRIS
Explorer environment with custom modules and a custom user-interface. Designed
the architecture for the new "Glyphmaker" visualization system. Created a graphical steering interface in the visualized scene for consistent visualization and control of the atmospheric model.
(Current status)
- Research Assistant
Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, Georgia
Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center
Project: "Medical Imaging Workstation for Cardiologists"
Designed and built a graphics environment for analyzing 4D Magnetic
Resonance Images (MRI). The project is highlighted by close
cooperation with Emory University Medical School cardiologists and the
installation of an SGI workstation for clinical evaluation of the environment.
9/91 - 9/93
- Summer Intern Software Development Engineer
Hewlett Packard Andover Medical Systems, Massachusetts
Wrote an imbedded on-line help facility for an Ultrasound Imaging system
6/90 - 8/90
- Full-time Software Development Engineer
Hewlett Packard Roseville Systems Division, California
Wrote software enhancements for the HP3000 Information Access database
server. Optimized the server code. Designed and implemented an SQL
front-end to the proprietary query language.
6/88 - 8/89
- Summer Intern in Research and Development
- Hewlett Packard Andover Medical Systems, Massachusetts
Evaluated and interpreted (German Fortran) research on Ultrasound
Tissue Characterization.
5/87 - 9/87
- Summer Intern in Research and Development
- Hewlett Packard Andover Medical Systems, Massachusetts
Designed and built an analog circuit board tester. Used a PC-board mount and a bed of pogo-pins to physically connect to points of interest on an analog mixing board. Signals were routed to a host of HPIB controlled test instruments for automated testing.
5/86 - 9/86
- Summer Intern in Research and Development
- Hewlett Packard Andover Medical Systems, Massachusetts
Modified analog circuit board test software for a new revision of boards.
5/85 - 9/85
C++, Open Inventor, OpenGL, Tcl/Tk, IRIS Explorer, Unix, OS/2, Linux
Doctoral Thesis
- Visualizing Large Datasets via Spatial/Spectral Analysis
This thesis examines the issues in rendering and visualizing large three-dimensional datasets. New techniques and algorithms are developed to allow the efficient or real-time rendering of arbitrary data sources. The algorithms exploit constraints in the information content of the data. Issues addressed include computational speed, data compression, interactivity, and light modeling.
- Yves D. Jean, Thomas, Kindler, William Ribarsky, Weiming Gu, Gregory Esienhauer, Karten Schwan, Fred Alyea, "Case study: An Integrated Approach for Steering, Visualization, and Analysis of Atmospheric Simulations,"IEEE Visualization 95 .
- Yves D. Jean, Larry F. Hodges, Roderic Pettigrew, "A Method for Interactive Manipulation and Animation of Volumetric Data," The Proceedings of the Visualization in Biomedical Computing Conference, 1992.
Designed and built a digital tape recorder. Breadboard based circuit
contains input and output analog filters, 64K memory, and PLD-based
control logic.
11/87 - 12/87
Designed and built a multi-functional/multi-tasking 68000-based single
board computer.
7/85 - 8/85
- James H. McClellan, Advisor, Professor,
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, Georgia
- James D. Foley, Committee Chairman, Professor & Director of
Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center,
Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, Georgia
- Martin William Ribarsky, Manager Scientific Visualization Center,
Office of Information Technology
Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, Georgia