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Even if you're not a complete geek you've probably watched Star Trek: The Next Generation. Let's face it -- it's a good show. And they could have picked a worse show to make a sequel from. (Gilligan's Island: The Next Generation. The mind boggles...) Anyway, we couldn't help but notice that there are some similarities between Captain Picard (played by Patrick Stewart) and the LoveBoat's Captain Stubing (Gavin McCloud.) We hope this enlightens you.
A GRAVITY Compare and Contrast Feature | |
By Matthew A. Cohen and Ross Garmil | |
Art by Eli Rabin | |
Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
Capt. Merill Stubing![]() |
Travels across the universe, exploring strange new worlds, meeting people from excitingly diverse races and cultures. | Goes back and forth to and from the same damn port every fucking week. |
Whoopi Goldberg | Isaac, the ship's bartender |
Patrick Stewart has two first names. | Gavin McCloud has two last names. |
Meets terrifying creatures such as Klingons, Romulans, and Ferengi. | Meets terrifying creatures such as Tom Bosley, Marion Ross, and Charo. |
Has a second in comand named Riker. | Has a second in command named Gopher. |
Has a ship with a detatchable bridge. | Has a ship that is perpetually towing some guy wearing a parachute on the end of a rope. |
Did we mention that the Enterprise is generated by the special effects wizards at Industrial Light and Magic? | Did we mention that the Pacific Princess is merely a clip from some commercial cruise line? |
Patrick Stewart has perfomed in Hamlet, Anthony and Cleopatra, and King Lear. | Gavin McCloud played Murray on the Mary Tyler Moore Show. |
Boxers. | Briefs. |
Ends the show by telling the helmsman, "Engage" | Ends the show by saying, "You're getting married? I'm so happy for you." |
Had brief fling with ship's doctor. | Had brief fling with ship's doctor. |
Did shows with clever tie-ins to the original Star Trek. | Did shows with clever tie-ins to Fantasy Island. |
Enjoys visiting the Holodeck. | Enjoys visiting The Pirates Cove. |
Has ties to Starfleet Command through old friends from the Academy. | Has ties to United States Senate through old friend Gopher. |
Had secretary named Lincoln. | Had secretary named Kennedy. |
Beams people off his ship. | Lifeboats, lifeboats, lifeboats. |
Fires Photon Torpedoes and Phasers from his ship. | Throws confetti and streamers from side of his ship. |
Gets to watch Wesley Crusher grow up and learn how to save the ship in new ways. | Gets to watch daughter Vicki grow up and go through puberty. |
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