The Animation Choreographer

The Animation Choreographer is a graphical, interactive tool that allows users to specify the order in which events should be displayed, and to view, manipulate, and explore the set of feasible orderings of the program under study, both through the Choreographer interface and in the context of selected visualizations.

A snapshot of the choreographer is shown above. The user has loaded in a trace file, and may now view a graph of the trace events, select alternate event orderings, obtain additional information about individual events, or run animated visualizations of the program's execution. The ordering that the user selects will affect the appearance of the animated visualizations. The choice of an appropriate reordering can produce more comprehensible displays, and may also present unanticipated, and perhaps problematic, event sequences, leading to further investigation of both the correctness and efficiency of the program.

Contact information:

At GVU :
College of Computing
801 Atlantic Drive
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280
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