Software visualization is the use of computer graphics and animation
to help illustrate and present computer programs, processes, and
algorithms. Software visualization systems can be used in teaching to
help students understand how algorithms work, and they can be used in
program development as a way to help programmers understand their code
better. Georgia Tech has been the home of much software visualization
research. Most of these projects now have ended, but our interest in
this topic remains. In the GVU Center and the College of Computing,
we formerly had a
graduate course (before the change from quarters to semesters),
CS 7390, specifically on Software Visualization. It was last
taught in 1998.
Today, most of our research focuses on the broader areas of
information visualization and visual analytics. You can learn more
about these areas through the web pages of the Information Interfaces Research Group.
ACM Symposium on
Software Visualization - The primary academic meeting about the
area of software visualization.
Visualization book from MIT Press, 1998
Tarantula -- Finding software faults by visualizing test results
Algorithm Animation
Empirical Studies of Software
Information Visualization related
ideas (older)
Visualization of Parallel and
Distributed Programs
Visualizing Object-Oriented Programs
Visualization for Program
Understanding and Debugging
3D Computation Visualization
- Jim
Jones, Ph.D., 2008 --- Univ. of California, Irvine
- Brad Topol, Ph.D.,
1998 --- IBM
- Dean Jerding,
Ph.D., 1997 --- Infinovate
- Eileen Kraemer,
Ph.D., 1995 --- University of Georgia
- Joe Wehrli, M.S., 1993
Complete list of group's research papers
Visualization book
This research has been graciously supported by the National Science
Foundation through contracts CCR-9109399,
CCR-9121607, and CCR-9628149.
Software Visualization Research on the Web