Jalen Chuang
PhD Student in Computer ScienceGeorgia Institute of Technology, School of Cybersecurity and Privacy
I am a second-year PhD student advised by Daniel Genkin and Taesoo Kim.
I got my Bachelor's in Computer Science from University of California, Irvine.
My interests are in offensive security research.
My current research is on side channels. Previously I worked on fuzzing self-driving cars. Outside of academic research, I also like web security and reverse engineering, and I was a finalist at DEFCON 32.
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╔═▷ Jason Kim*, Jalen Chuang*, Daniel Genkin, Yuval Yarom. (*=joint authorship)
╔═▷ FLOP: Breaking the Apple M3 CPU via False Load Output Predictions. USENIX 2025 [scholar] [pdf] [website]
╔═▷ Ziwen Wan, Junjie Shen, Jalen Chuang, Xin Xia, Joshua Garcia, Jiaqi Ma, and Qi Alfred Chen.
╔═▷ Too Afraid to Drive: Systematic Discovery of Semantic DoS Vulnerability
╔═▷ in Autonomous Driving Planning under Physical-World Attacks. NDSS 2022 [scholar] [pdf]
Blog Posts
╔═▷ BPF in Seccomp
╔═▷ CSS Injection Techniques
Other Interests: CTFs, cryptography, rhythm games, etc...
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