About Me
NEWS: I will be presenting my paper on the impact of equal-cost multi-path routing on global censorship measurement @ CCS Security 2024
Hello! I am a CS PhD student at the School of Cybersecurity & Privacy in Georgia Tech working with Dr. Paul Pearce. Before that, I was a Software Engineer at GrammaTech Inc, in Ithaca,
NY, where I was a part of
the CodeSonar
static analysis team. My work focused on statistical/ML
model based API usage anomaly detection using CodeSonar. In the past I
was part of the team which added Objective-C support to CodeSonar using the clang frontend
(more on that here -
CodeSonar Enters the World of iOS and Objective-C
). I completed my Master's degree at Syracuse
in 2016, with a thesis `
Automated code extraction from packed android applications`
under the advisement of Dr. Heng Yin.
Research Interests
My main research interests lie in the intersection of network security and measurement.
Research Papers
Understanding Routing-Induced Censorship Changes Globally
Abhishek Bhaskar, Paul Pearce
In CCS 2024, Salt Lake City, UT, USA (Acceptance Ratio: ??)
6SENSE: Internet-Wide IPv6 Scanning and its Security Applications
G. Williams, M. Erdemir, A. Hsu, S. Bhat, Abhishek Bhaskar, F. Li, Paul Pearce
In USENIX Security 2024, Philadelphia, PA, USA (Acceptance Ratio: ??)
Many Roads Lead To Rome: How Packet Headers Influence DNS Censorship Measurement
Abhishek Bhaskar, Paul Pearce
In USENIX Security 2022, Boston, MA, USA (Acceptance Ratio: ??)
Things You May Not Know About Android (Un)Packers: A Systematic Study based on Whole-System Emulation
Y Duan, M Zhang, AV Bhaskar, H Yin, X Pan, T Li, X Wang, X Wang
In NDSS 2018, San Diego, California, USA (Acceptance Ratio: 15.4%)
Extract Me If You Can: Abusing PDF Parsers in Malware Detectors.
C Carmony, X Hu, H Yin, AV Bhaskar, M Zhang
NDSS 2016, San Diego, California, USA (Acceptance Ratio: 15.4%)
Binary code continent: Finer-grained control flow integrity for stripped binaries.
M Wang, H Yin, AV Bhaskar, P Su, D Feng
ACSAC 2015, Los Angeles, California, USA (Acceptance Ratio: 24.4%)