Future Computing Environments

Future Computing Environments Seminar

CS 8011D

Thursdays 4:30-6:00pm in CRB 381


General information

This quarter's Future Computing Environments Seminar Series will be about Sensors. We will be discussing topics such as basic sensors types and capabilities, basic circuitry and electronic construction techniques (including interfacing sensors to microcontrollers such as PIC chips), sensor fusion, and architectures for large arrays of sensors (such as will be needed in the Georgia Tech smart house).


View the captured seminar discussion. To gain authorized access, simply type in the username "guest" with no password.

Date Topic/Leader Materials
1/7 Introduction / Rob Orr

Indoor Positioning Sysems / Chris Atkeson

3D-iD from PinPoint (user: spectrum98, pw: tempid)

IS600 Mark II from Intersense

Olivetti sonar system

TIRIS RF tag system

1/14 Video annotation, indexing, searching, and transcribing

Chris Atkeson

1/21 Basic sensor types and characteristics

Rob Orr

1/28 Interfacing sensors to computers

Rob Orr


General Information

Readings will either be included on this page as links or will be made available during the Tuesday seminar the prior week.

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For questions regarding this web site or the FCE group, please contact: abowd@cc.gatech.edu

Future Computing Environments Georgia Institute of Technology