Weekly Discussion Group on Future Computing Environments
Winter Quarter 1996
CS 8011 A
Thurdays 4:30-6:00pm in 349 Skiles or GVU Conference Room
General information
Previous quarters
Go to the current week
The general focus this quarter is on the World-Wide Web, it's future and our role in that.
Introduction Gregory Abowd
Java: Why the Bother?
Ian Smith
- Papers/Pointers
Advertising on the Web
Elson and Nick Sawhney
NOTE: This week's meeting will be held in the GVU conference room.
ANOTHER NOTE: Don't forget about the FCE Pizza and Bowling
Party immediately following the seminar. Pizza from 6-7 in the Darts
lab followed by bowling at the Student Center from 7-9.
- Pointers
VRML: A crushing failure?
Rob Kooper
NOTE: This week's meeting will be held in the GVU conference room.
- Pointers
CANCELLED (GVU Research Review)
Have we found the ultimate browser?
Janis Kerrigan Roberts
- Pointers
Ways people will be browsing the Web in the future
Anind Dey
- Pointers
Handheld browsers
Sue Long
- Pointers
Open discussion
Gregory Abowd
Readings will either be included on this page as links or will be made
available each week on the file cabinet behind Gwen
Baker's desk (264 CoC).
To subscribe to the mailing list for FCE, send a request to Majordomo@cc.gatech.edu with the line 'subscribe future your-address (Your Name)' in the body of the message.
For questions regarding this web site or the FCE group, please
contact: abowd@cc.gatech.edu