Reasons for Providing Adaption:
Key Issues for Adaptive Systems:Heterogeneous Users
Perceptual & Psychomotor Skills
Capability (user's model of system & familiarity)
Understanding of Tasks / Domain
Expectations & Motives
Cognitive Abilities/Styles
Personality & Social/Organizational Skills
Preferences for Interation styles and Modalities
What is the purpose/ goal of building such a system?
What is it adaptive to?
Evaluation Criteria (metrics) for measuring success?
- eg. Do the adaptions produce an improvement in performance?
Need specific knowledge of Problem Domain
Knowledge of differences between users
System must have a means of meeting its intended purpose
Question: If you design good systems to begin with, should they require adaption?
Consider following Issues:
Purposes:Degrees of Freedom between Users, Groups, Tasks and Applications
Differences may be persistant but also Dynamic
Designing for Different Environments of Use
Exlicit Design Assumptions
Can Designer Anticipate all situations or build a range of soultions (dynamically selected)
Aspects of an Adaptive System:Extend System Lifespan
Widen User Base and hence Product Market
Enable user goals and increase satisfaction/accaptance
Improve operational accuracy and hence overall performance
Reduce Operational Learning & enhance User Understanding
Taxanomy of Adaptive SystemsUser & Environment
Available Resources
Level of System Variation Selection Testing Designed D D D Adaptable D U D Adaptive D S D Self-Regulating D S S Self-Mediating D S S Self-Modifying S S S
- Based on Amount of Control System has on Negotiating Change
- Who is considered the Agent of Change - Designer, User, System?
Short-term Adaptions
Long-term AdaptionsUser may not understand reason for Change
Useful for simple situations (error correction) or repeated tasks
Changes in System Behavior / Application Functionality (new requirements)
Based on Cognitive changes in user (hard to measure)
Changes must occur gradually
Consequences of using AUIs
Three components of Adaptive System:User better understands System Complexity/ functions
Better user performance (5-20 times)
Gain & Maintain user Attention
Avoid overloading or underloading the user
User ModelCase Study 2: Interactive Note-taking SystemApplication Model
(Software Agents paper by Schlimmer & Hermens)
Goal: Speed Information entry and reduce user errors
Adaptive Features:
Model / Process of Representation & Learning:
Notes --> Tokenzation --> FSM --> Prefix Tree --> Interface Options
To characterize syntax of user's notes, the system learns FSM.
To generate predictions, the system learns decision tree classifier as states within FSM.
Constructs GUI by converting FSM to a set of buttons.
Students viewed Lecture --> took regular notes --> after lecture, used 3 study strategies:
Study Strategy Short-term Long-term Self-Questioning Good Better Summarizing Better Good Reviewing Notes Worst Worst