Future Computing Environments Seminar
CS 8013
Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:30-6:00pm in CoC 102
General information
Current week
This quarter, we are expanding the FCE Seminar to two days to
include the FCE-sponsored HackFest activities. On Tuesdays, we will
have the usual seminar and reading group with discussion. Thursdays
will be devoted to on-going and quarter-long projects in ubiquitous
The general focus for this quarter will be reaching out to other
parts of the Georgia Tech campus. There is a lot of relevant
activity on campus that can enhance the vision of the Future
Computing Environments Group. We are going to try this quarter
to find out more about those other campus groups to encourage us
to take better advantage of the facilities and skills within our
immediate environment. The hope is that this quarter will lead
to a number of collaborations with folks across campus helping
us to make Georgia Tech a center for ubiquitous and future
computing environments.
Gregory Abowd
Summer summaries and FCE overview
Jason Ellis, Jason Brotherton, Chris Atkeson
Jason Ellis and Jason Brotherton will discuss work they did over the
summer at Xerox PARC and Fuji Xerox Palo Alto Labs (FX-PAL). Pointers
to relevant work are below.
Chris Atkeson will talk about the FCE activities in general as he
prepares to give such an overview talk when he goes to Japan in October.
- Papers/pointers
- Jason Ellis will talk about Audio Aura, an audio-augmented reality system.
- Jason Brotherton will talk about Ink Interchange, a system for cross-
platform exchange of ink and a prototype note-taking system on a
Pilot PDA that uses this system. ALL PAPERS HAVE BEEN
- Abstract -
a brief overview of the system and its motivation.
- Demonstration -
a sample (paper) demonstration of the system.
- NotePals -
full paper describing the Pilot application and its interaction
with the system.
- For those unfamiliar with general FCE activities, go to the FCE Home Page
for information on projects and publications to help seed
Chris' discussion.
Hack Fest
- Hacktivities
- planning the PC-104 pen-based computer
- roundtable discussion of project ideas
More summer reports
Rob Orr and Roy Rodenstein
Rob Orr will talk about Red Dwarf and Dark Star, IR communication devices he designed at Xerox PARC that facilitate mobile interaction.
- Here's the abstract:
"Dark Star and Red Dwarf -- Infrared Communication Devices in
Support of Mobile Communication"
This summer I designed two devices to support infrared communication
between mobile devices and the network. The first, Red Dwarf, is a
general purpose infrared interface for the US Robotics Pilot. The second
device, Dark Star, is an infrared to Ethernet bridge. In this talk, I
will discuss the design goals for these two devices, cover how we met
these goals in creating these devices, and outline the difficult issues we
encountered along the way.
- Here are the Powerpoint slides: HTML Version
- Background Reading: Hewlett Packard IR Data Link Design Guide
- Other Useful Links:
- Infrared Data Association
- Hewlett Packard IR Group
- USR Pilot Developer's Zone
- The Pilot Page
Roy Rodenstein will talk about Ghostwriter, graphical displays to give
users context during text editing, which he worked on this summer at
Xerox PARC.
- Here's the abstract:
"Ghostwriter: Behind-the-Scenes Text-Editing Support"
Today's word-processors are good at creating professional-looking
documents, but they often don't offer much support for the writing
process itself. Ghostwriter uses graphical effects to take steps
toward providing the user with useful scaffolding during text-editing,
such as using real-world paper effects to convey information about the
working document. I will discuss some related work in this are and then
delve into some of the document properties that Ghostwriter can depict
for writers
- Background Reading: "Translucent History," Genau, Kramer, CHI'95 Short Paper
- Other Useful Papers:
- "Edit Wear and Read Wear," Hill, Hollan, Wroblewski, McCandless, CHI'92
- "Timewarp: Techniques for Autonomous Collaboration," Edwards, Mynatt, CHI'97
- "Dynomite: A Dynamically Organized Ink and Audio Notebook," Wilcox, Schilit,
Sawhney, CHI'97
Hack Fest
- Hacktivities
- review of Domisilica project
LCC aeolian project
We will take a field trip to LCC to see a wind interface that Mike
Koetter and John Tolva built at the end of spring term this year. This
was a project to see if we could build a non-tangible MIDI interface.
But maybe you all will have some ideas for future applications. If
not, well, we can always cannibalize the parts for hackfest.
Classroom 2000 progress(captured presentation)
A multitude of folks, led by Gregory Abowd
This week, we will have a number of people talk about work relating to
Classroom 2000 that occurred over the summer. We will also talk about
some future plans. Topics include multiple stream management, speech
interfaces, and improved access interfaces.
- Papers/Pointers
- Abowd, Atkeson, Brotherton, Gulley, LeMon and
Enqvist. Investigating the capture, integration and access
problem of ubiquitous computing in an educational setting.
Submitted to CHI'98 conference. Printed copies of this
paper are available from Gregory on request.
- Gregory D. Abowd, Chris Atkeson, Ami Feinstein, Cindy Hmelo, Rob Kooper, Sue
Long, Nitin "Nick" Sawhney and Mikiya Tani. Teaching
and Learning as Multimedia Authoring: The Classroom 2000 Project. In
the Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia'96 Conference,
November 1996.
HTML version
Hack Fest
- Hacktivities
Rapid prototyping at Georgia Tech
Tim Purdy
Tim will give us a tour of the rapid prototyping facilities at MARC.
- Papers/Pointers
Hack Fest
- Hacktivities
Wearable computing
Chris Thompson, GTRI
- Papers/Pointers
Hack Fest
- Hacktivities
Wireless networking
Daniel Howard, Broadband Telecommunications Center
- Papers/Pointers
Wireless networking, part 2
Bill Lawrence and Ron Hutchins, OIT
Bill will talk about wireless LAN experiments over in OIT and Ron will
talk about the much-ballyhooed BellSouth campus wireless network infrastructure.
Interactive Media Technology Center (IMTC)
Mike Sinclair and Peter Presti
- Papers/Pointers
Hack Fest
- Hacktivities
Tolek Lesniewski
This week, we will venture over to the Architecture building to find out
more about the IMAGINE Group doing work on interactive media.
- Papers/Pointers
Hack Fest
- Hacktivities
- Papers/Pointers
- Hacktivities
- Papers/Pointers
Hack Fest
- Hacktivities
- Papers/Pointers
Readings will either be included on this page as links or will be made available
each week on the file cabinet behind Gwen Baker's desk (264 CoC).
To subscribe to the mailing list for FCE, send a request to Majordomo@cc.gatech.edu with the line 'subscribe future your-address
(Your Name)' in the body of the message.
For questions regarding this web site or the FCE group, please contact: abowd@cc.gatech.edu