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G. D. Abowd, C. G. Atkeson, J. Brotherton, T. Enqvist, P. Gulley, and J. LeMon. Investigating the capture, integration and access problem of ubiquitous computing in an educational setting. In Proceedings of the 1998 conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems -- CHI'98, pages 440-447, May 1998.

G. D. Abowd, C. G. Atkeson, A. Feinstein, C. Hmelo, R. Kooper, S. Long, N. Sawhney, and M. Tan. Teaching and learning as multimedia authoring: The classroom 2000 project. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Multimedia -- Multimedia'96, pages 187-198, 1996.

G. D. Abowd, C. G. Atkeson, J. Hong, S. Long, R. Kooper, and M. Pinkerton. Cyberguide: A mobile context-aware tour guide. ACM Wireless Networks, 3:421-433, 1997.

G. D. Abowd, J. Brotherton, and J. Bhalodia. Automated capture, integration, and visualization of multiple media streams. In Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE conference on Multimedia and Computing Systems, 1998.

F. Brooks. Mythical Man-Month. Addison Wesley, 20th anniversary edition edition, 1995.

J. A. Brotherton and G. D. Abowd. Rooms take note: Room takes notes! In Proceedings of the 1998 Spring AAAI Symposium on Intelligent Environments, pages 23-30, 1998. Published as AAAI Technical Report SS-98-02.

P. Brown. The stick-e document: a framework for creating context-aware applications. In Proceedings of Electronic Publishing '96, pages 259-272. University of Kent, Canterbury, September 1996.

P. Chiu and L. Wilcox. A dynamic grouping technique for ink and audio. In Proceedings of UIST'98, page ???, 1998.

L. Degen, R. Mander, and G. Salomon. Working with audio: Integrating personal tape recorders and desktop computers. In Proceedings of ACM CHI'92 Conference, pages 413-418, May 1992.

A. J. Demers. Research issues in ubiquitous computing. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, pages 2-8, 1994.

A. Dey, G. D. Abowd, and A. Wood. Cyberdesk: A framework for dynamic integration of desktop and network-based applications. Knowldege-Based Systems, 11:3-13, 1998.

M. Lamming and M. Flynn. Forget-me-not: Intimate computing in support of human memory. In Proceedings of FRIEND21: International Symposium on Next Generation Human Interfaces, pages 125-128. RANK XEROX, 1994.

S. Long, D. Aust, G. D. Abowd, and C. G. Atkeson. Rapid prototyping of mobile context-aware applications: The cyberguide case study. In Proceedings of the 1996 conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems -- CHI'96, pages 293-294, 1996. Short paper in Conference Companion.

S. Long, R. Kooper, G. D. Abowd, and C. G. Atkeson. Rapid prototyping of mobile context-aware applications: The cyberguide case study. In Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, November 1996.

S. Minneman, S. Harrison, B. Janseen, G. Kurtenbach, T. Moran, I. Smith, and B. van Melle. A confederation of tools for capturing and accessing collaborative activity. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Multimedia -- Multimedia'95, November 1995.

T. Moran, P. Chiu, and B. van Melle. Finding and using implicit structure in human-organized spatial layouts of information. In Proceedings of CHI'96, pages 346-353, 1996.

T. P. Moran, P. Chiu, and W. van Melle. Pen-based interaction techniques for organizing material on an electronic whiteboard. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology -- UIST'97, pages 45-54. ACM Press, October 1997.

T. P. Moran, L. Palen, S. Harrison, P. Chiu, D. Kimber, S. Minneman, W. van Melle, and P. Zelweger. ``I'll Get That Of the Audio'': A case study of salvaging multimedia meeting records. In Proceedings of ACM CHI'97 Conference, pages 202-209, March 1997.

E. D. Mynatt. Transforming graphical interfaces into auditory interfaces for blind users. Human Computer Interaction, 12(1&2), 1997.

H. Richter, P. Schuchhard, and G. D. Abowd. Automated capture and retrieval of architectural rationale. In The First Working IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA1), February 1999. To appear as technical note.

B. N. Schilit, N. I. Adams, and R. Want. Context-aware computing applications. In Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, pages 85-90. XEROX PARC, December 1994.

W. N. Schilit. System architecture for context-aware mobile computing. PhD thesis, Columbia University, 1995.

I. Smith. Support For Multi-Viewed Interfaces. PhD thesis, Georgia Tech College of Computing, 1998.

L. Stifelman. The Audio Notebook. PhD thesis, MIT Media Laboratory, 1997.

R. Want, A. Hopper, V. Falcao, and J. Gibbons. The active badge location system. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 10(1):91-102, January 1992.

R. Want, B. Schilit, N. Adams, R. Gold, K. Petersen, J. Ellis, D. Goldberg, and M. Weiser. The PARCTAB ubiquitous computing experiment. Technical Report CSL-95-1, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, March 1995.

M. Weiser. The computer of the 21st century. Scientific American, 265(3):66-75, September 1991.

M. Weiser. Some computer science issues in ubiquitous computing. Communications of the ACM, 36(7):75-84, July 1993.

S. Whittaker, P. Hyland, and M. Wiley. Filochat: Handwritten notes provide access to recorded conversations. In Proceedings of ACM CHI'94 Conference, pages 271-277, April 1994.

L. D. Wilcox, B. N. Schilit, and N. Sawhney. Dynomite: A dynamically organized ink and audio notebook. In Proceedings of CHI'97, pages 186-193, 1997.

Gregory D. Abowd
Tue Jan 19 12:43:49 EST 1999