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T. G. Kieninger.
R. Kraut, W. Scherlis, T. Mukhopadhyay, J. Manning, and S. Kiesler.
J. Mankoff and B. Schilit.
M. C. Mozer, R. H. Dodier, M. Anderson, L. Vidmar, R. F. C. III, and D. Miller.
D. A. Nichols, P. Curtis, M. Dixon, and J. Lamping.
D. Norman.
T. Raman.
A. Savidis and C. Stephanidis.
A. Venkatesh.
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J. Mankoff, J. Somers and G. Abowd. March, 1998.
Jennifer Mankoff, Jonathan Somers and
Gregory D. Abowd. June 1998.
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An architecture for transforming graphical interfaces.
In Proceedings of UIST '94, pages 39--47. ACM, 1994.
Knowledge-based augmented reality.
Communications of the ACM, 36(7):53--61, July 1993.
Situated information spaces and spatially aware palmtop computers.
Communications of the ACM, 36(7):39--49, July 1993.
Bricks: Laying the foundations for graspable user interfaces.
In Proceedings of CHI '95, pages 442--449. ACM, 1995.
Tangible bits: Towards seamless interfaces between people, bits and
In Proceedings of CHI '97, pages 234--241. ACM, 1997.
The "growing up" of hyperbraille - an office workspace for blind
In Proceedings of UIST '96, pages 67--73. ACM, 1996.
The homenet field trial of residential internet services.
Communications of the ACM, 39(12):55--63, December 1996.
Supporting knowledge workers beyond the desktop with palplates.
In Proceedings of CHI '97, pages 550--551. ACM, 1997.
The neural network house: An
Technical report, University of Colorado, 1996.
High-latency, low-bandwidth windowing in the jupiter collaboration
In Proceedings of UIST '95, pages 111--120. ACM, 1995.
Psychology of Everyday Things.
Basic Books, 1988.
Emacspeak -- a speech interface.
In Proceedings of CHI '96, pages 66--71. ACM, 1996.
Developing dual user interfaces for integrating blind and sighted
users: the homer uims.
In Proceedings of CHI '95, pages 106--113. ACM, 1995.
Computers and other interactive technologies for the home.
Communications of the ACM, 39(12):47--54, December 1996.
The computer for the 21st century.
Scientific American, 265(3):94--104, 1991.
Some computer science issues in ubiquitous computing.
Communications of the ACM, 36(7):75--83, July 1993.
Interacting with paper on the digitaldesk.
Communications of the ACM, 36(7):87--96, July 1993.
Computer-augmented environments: Back to the real world.
Communications of the ACM, 36(7):24--26, July 1993.
Designing speechacts: Issues in speech user interfaces.
In Proceedings of CHI '95, pages 369--376. ACM, 1995.
an article on
power-line communication technologies, with emphasis on
CEBus. It's more EE oriented but it gives an introduction
to issues faced when trying to send data over existing
electrical wiring.
In IEEE Spectrum, 1996.
Vision Based Remote Control in Intelligent Home Environments
In 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis , Girod, H. Niemann, H.-P. Seidel (eds.),
infix-Verlag, 1996, pages 147-154 (ISBN 3-89601-000-X).
Moose crossing
Doctoral Thesis by IEEE Amy Bruckman.
The ParcTab ubiquitous computing experiment.
Technical Report CSL-95-1, Xerox PARC.
Audio aura: Light-weight audio augmented reality.
In Proceedings of UIST 97, 211-212. ACM.
Domisilica: Providing ubiquitous access to the home.
Technical Report GIT-GVU-97-17, Georgia Institute of Technology: Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center.
Bringing People and Places Together.
Papers from the AAAI
Spring Symposium on Intelligent Environments. Technical Report
Bringing People and Places Together with Dual
Collaborative Virtual Environments.
A shared command line in a virtual space: The working man's MOO.
In Proceedings of UIST 97, 73-74. ACM.