Wearable Augmentation for Time Management
Roy Rodenstein
Advisor: Dr. Gregory Abowd, Assistant Professor
Future Computing Lab, GVU Center
College of Computing, Georgia Tech
OwnTime: A System for Timespace Management,
ACM Computer-Human Interaction (CHI '99)
Also available as
We describe OwnTime, a system for facilitating timespace management, and
discuss the results of a user study comparing the disruptiveness of
meeting establishment without and with the system. The study indicates
that the OwnTime system shows potential for improving users' time
management. We also raise relevant issues about computer mediation in
traditionally interpersonal tasks and note further work to be done in
areas such as context-aware and wearable computing.
Computer Augmentation for Meeting Time Management,
GVU Technical Report GIT-GVU-98-19
Also available as
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Time, both one's own and others', is one of the most complex resources
one must manage daily. As contact between computers and users grows
closer and more constant, as in the case of wearable computers, new
opportunities arise to facilitate time management. This paper
describes OwnTime, a system which displays information in support of
the user's meeting time management abilities and whose design
emphasizes peripheral awareness and minimal cognitive load.
see also OwnTime
background information