video/midi interface programming examples Kevin Scott ( ********************************************************** Before running either demo, make sure a video camera is pluged in, turned on, and running. Also, start up the %synthpanel before running %conduct, open the midi file mango.mid Synthpanel->Sounds->MIDI Songs->mango.mid It will automatically start playing when you double-click on it. Just stop and reset the midi player. Next, click the little "More" right arrow button at the top right of the Synthpanel window. This will open up a number of additional channel sliders. When you opened the mango.mid file, the instrument presets will change to include things like Alto Sax, Steel Drums, Marimba, Seashore. Next, set the video camera to look straight up to the ceiling and wave your hands in front of it until you get some response in the small video window. Start playing the midi file and wave your hands as if you were conducting a band with different musical sections. The video window is divided into four segments, each controlling one or more instruments. If any single instrument is too loud (the seashore for example) just reduce its "Expression" value in the synthpanel - this is a sort of multiplier that tempers the final output volume of any midi channel. ********************************************************** Files and executables.... conduct.cpp - Conduct a simple midi song with various instrument sections airharp.cpp - Play an airharp The background subtraction routines come from the folks in the CPL lab. (phenix@cc) Other usefull info: /usr/share/src/dmedia/midi/simple /usr/include/dmedia/midi.h