Indoor Positioning System How-to


This document describes an infra-red based indoor positioning system. The system uses up to 8 cameras to provide position information on infra red sources within their view. The cameras are static (no pan/zoom), so they can't perform any tracking. But we believe that 8 cameras should be more than adequate to provide full coverage of an average-sized classroom or laboratory. We are experimenting to determine the coverage we can get and to determine how many IR sources can be in the environment simultaneously without taxing the processor capturing the data.


To get more information or help with the system, contact Anind Dey or Joe Bayes or Gregory Abowd. The system came from the Interactive Media Technology Center here at Georgia Tech. Our contact person is Peter Presti, but please ask one of the previously mentioned people any questions, before contacting Peter.

System Components

Currently the system consists of:

Status of System

Currently we only have the positioning system running with a single camera. When we get multiple cameras working with this system, I'll update this document. We have parts for 4 cameras, although only one is assembled.

System Access

The positioning system is in Room 102 of the College of Computing. You'll have to see either Anind Dey or Joe Bayes for the password to the computer.


Comments or suggestions? Email them to fce-webmaster
Last updated: 4/21/97