- Enriching Everyday Experiences through the Automated Capture and Access of Live Experiences: eClass: Building, Observing and Understanding the Impact of Capture and Access in an Educational Domain
Jason A. Brotherton, Georgia Tech, College of Computing Ph.D. Thesis, December 2001.
Journal Papers
- Classroom 2000: An Experiment with the
Instrumentation of a Living Educational Environment
Gregory D. Abowd.
Systems Journal, Special issue on Pervasive Computing, Volume 38,
Number 4, pp. 508-530, October 1999.
- Supporting Educational Activities through Dynamic Web Interfaces
Maria da Graca Pimentel, Yoshihide Ishiguro, Gregory
D. Abowd, Bolot Kerimbaev and Mark Guzdial
Interacting with Computers, special issue on interacting with
the active Web. Volume 13, Issue 3, pp. 353-374, February 2001.
from publisher)
Conference Papers
Building a Digital Library of Captured Educational Experiences
Gregory D. Abowd, Lonnie D. Harvel and Jason A. Brotherton
Invited paper for the 2000 International Conference on
Digital LIbraries, Kyoto, Japan, November 13-16,
- Linking by Interacting: a Paradigm for Authoring Hypertext
Pimentel, Maria G.C; Abowd, Gregory, Yoshihide Ishiguro
Proceedings of ACM Hypertext'2000. May, 2000.
(abstract, PDF)
- Harnessing High Bandwidth:
Applications In Speech Recognition
Picone, Joseph, Issac Alphonso, and Christopher Atkeson;
application demonstration,
Internet 2 March Member Meeting. March, 2000.
- Anchoring discussions in lecture: An approach to
collaboratively extending classroom digital media
Abowd, Gregory D., Maria Pimentel, Yoshihide Ishiguro, Bolot
Kerimbaev and Mark Guzdial
Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
(CSCL'99). December, 1999.
- Workload of a Media-Enhanced Classroom Server.
Chervenak, Ann L., Vivekand Vellanki, Nissim Harel and Gregory
D. Abowd. Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Workload
Characterization, October 1999.
- Personalizing the Capture of Public Experiences.
Truong, Khai N., Abowd, Gregory D., and Brotherton, Jason A.
"Personalizing the Capture of Public Experiences." In the
Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface
Software and Technology (UIST'99), Asheville, NC, November 1999,
pp. 121-130.
- StuPad: Integrating Student Notes with Class Lectures.
Truong, Khai N. & Abowd, Gregory D. "StuPad: Integrating Student Notes
with Class Lectures." In the Extended Abstracts of CHI'99,
pp.208-209. May, 1999.
- Investigating the capture, integration and access problem of
ubiquitous computing in an educational setting
(html )
Gregory D. Abowd, Chris G. Atkeson, Jason A. Brotherton, Tommy Enqvist,
Paul Gulley, and Johan Lemon, Investigating the capture, integration
and access problem of ubiquitous computing in an educational setting.
In the Proceedings of CHI '98, pp. 440-447, May, 1998.
- Classroom 2000: A System for Capturing and Accessing Multimedia
Classroom Experiences
( abstract, html )
Gregory D. Abowd, Jason A. Brotherton, and Janak Bhalodia.
Classroom 2000: A System for Capturing and Accessing Multimedia
Classroom Experiences. CHI '98 Demonstration Paper, May, 1998.
- Rooms Take Note: Room Takes Notes!
( abstract, html )
Jason A. Brotherton and Gregory D. Abowd. Rooms Take Note: Rooms
Takes Notes! In Working Papers of AAAI '98 Spring Symposium,
March, 1998.
- Automated Capture, Integration, and Visualization of Multiple
Media Streams.
( abstract, html )
Jason A. Brotherton, Janak R. Bhalodia, and Gregory D. Abowd.
Automated Capture, Integration, and Visualization of Multiple Media
Streams. In the Proceedings of IEEE Multimedia '98,
July, 1998. To appear.
- Classroom 2000: Enhancing Classroom Interaction and
Gregory D. Abowd, Chris Atkeson, Ami Feinstein, Yusuf Goolamabbas,
Cindy Hmelo, Scott Register, Nitin "Nick" Sawhney and Mikiya
GVU Technical Report GIT-GVU-96-21. September
- Context-Awareness in Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing
( abstract,
acrobat )
Gregory D. Abowd, Anind K. Dey, Robert Orr, and Jason A. Brotherton.
Context-Awareness in Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing.
In Proceedings of
1st International Symposium on Wearable Computers, October, 1997.
- Teaching and Learning as Multimedia Authoring: The Classroom
2000 Project.
( abstract, postscript,
html )
Gregory D. Abowd, Chris Atkeson, Ami Feinstein, Cindy Hmelo, Rob Kooper,
Sue Long, Nitin "Nick" Sawhney and Mikiya Tani. Teaching
and Learning as Multimedia Authoring: The Classroom 2000 Project. In
the Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia'96 Conference, pp. 187-198,
November 1996.
- Classroom 2000 Project Proposal: Can Personal Interfaces Enhance
the Classroom?
( abstract, html )
Gregory D. Abowd, Chris Atkeson, and Terry Harpold.
Classroom 2000 Project Proposal Can Personal Interfaces
Enhance The Classroom?. GVU seed grant, 1996.
- Classroom 2000: Designing the Student's Assistant
( abstract, html )
Gregory D. Abowd. Classroom 2000: Designing the Student's
Assistant. A proposal submitted to the Hewlett-Packard Research
Grants Program, February, 1996.
- Investigating Research Issues in Ubiquitous Computing: The Capture,
Integration, and Access Problem
( abstract, summary,
postscript )
Gregory D. Abowd. Investigating Research Issues in Ubiquitous
Computing: The Capture, Integration, and Access Problem.
NSF CAREER proposal, Award# 9703384.
- Classroom 2000: Capturing and Enhancing the Classroom
( abstract, html )
Meghan A. Burke. Classroom 2000: Capturing and Enhancing the
Classroom Experience. Classroom 2000 Kennesaw State University
Plan, June, 1997.
Position Papers
- Can Electronic Notebooks Enhance the Classroom?
( abstract, html )
Nitin "Nick" Sawhney, Gregory D. Abowd and Chris Atkeson. Can
Electronic Notebooks Enhance the Classroom?, December 1995.
- Classroom 2000: Inventing a Future for Education
( abstract, html )
Gregory D. Abowd. Clasroom 2000: Inventing a Future for
Education. Position paper for panel on Education at joint NSF/ARL/Beckman
Institute workshop on Human-Centered Systems. November 14,
1997. Washington, D.C.
Technical Reports
- A Multi-Scale Timeline Slider for Stream Visualization and Control
( abstract, postscript,
pdf )
Heather Richter, Jason Brotherton, Gregory D. Abowd, Khai Truong.
A Multi-Scale Timeline Slider for Stream Visualization and Control,
GVU Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, Technical
Report GIT-GVU-99-30. June 1999.
- Supporting Capture and Access Interfaces for Informal and
Opportunistic Meetings.
Jason A. Brotherton, Gregory D. Abowd, Khai N. Truong. Supporting
Capture and Access Interfaces for Informal and Opportunistic Meetings.
GVU Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, Technical Report
GIT-GVU-99-06. January 1999.
- Classroom 2000: Enhancing classroom interaction and review
( abstract, postscript )
Gregory D. Abowd, Chris Atkeson, Ami Feinstein, Yusuf
Goolamabbas, Cindy Hmelo, Scott Register, Nitin "Nick" Sawhney and
Mikiya Tani. Classroom 2000: Enhancing classroom interaction and
review. GVU Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, Technical
Report GIT-GVU-96-21. September 1996.