Domisilica: Providing Ubiquitous Access to the Home
Jennifer Mankoff and Gregory D. Abowd
Georgia Institute of Technology
College of Computing
Atlanta, GA 30332 USA
The Domisilica project is exploring future computing environments
centered around the home. We envision a future in which objects in
the home, such as appliances and rooms, are enhanced with
computational capabilities that make them accessible away from the
home. Our approach has been to add
computational power to real world objects located in the home, and to
provide a centralized model of the home which can be used to integrate
a wide variety of services and is accessible remotely.
This paper focuses on issues of interface modes and accessibility which
arose as we developed Domisilica. These include extending the
affordances of real world objects to provide new services, providing
remote access through a variety of connections both impoverished and
broad, and providing universal access for all types of people
including people with disabilities, children, and older adults.
Computing in the home, ubiquitous computing, dynamically
generated interfaces, multimodal interfaces
Think of your home as an interface to the information and objects
associated with it. Now imagine having access to that interface from
any computer. Domisilica is a project which not only provides a way
for you to access the information which is part of your home, but also
allows you to associate additional virtual information of all sorts
with your abode. Virtual information might include the purchase date
of groceries, shopping lists, or web pages.
We have chosen the kitchen as the place to begin our exploration of
computing in the home. The refrigerator, for example, has many uses
beyond keeping food cool in the common household: making shopping
lists, leaving notes, and posting information and
pictures. Domisilica's computational capabilities and network
connection allow us to expand these tasks. By attaching a computer
display to the front of the refrigerator, we can display virtual
notes and web pages which have been "posted" onto the
refrigerator. A remote user can view the contents of the refrigerator in a
GUI or hear them over the phone. That user can create notes and post
them to the refrigerator, or run an application which makes use of the
kitchen inventory system to generate a shopping list or produce a
potential menu for dinner. See Figure 1 for a idea of the
kind of remote interaction we currently support in
Domisilica. (See the included video, and the Domisilica web
pages for a demonstration of this scenario.
Figure 1 A snapshot of remote interaction with the visual interface to
Domisilica's refrigerator. On the left is an image of the refrigerator
with a virtual note posted on it. When the user selects the door with
the mouse, the contents of the refrigerator (A lone can of soda) are revealed.
Classes of activity supported by Domisilica
The types of activities which can benefit from a computing system in
the home include communication (such as real-time chatting, and
asynchronous notes), inventory management (such as keeping track of
the contents of the refrigerator), and control (such as answering the
door or turning on and off appliances). Systems like
CEBus and X10 can be used for control
activities. Domisilica provides support for communication and
inventory management as well.
Currently, computing in the home takes two forms: It is centralized in
one box where occupants go to run various applications, or it is
distributed in small, autonomous chunks in appliances such as
microwaves, VCRs, and security/climate control systems. We envision a
future in which devices currently common in households are augmented
with additional information and functionality, and networked together
to provide information and services to remote users.
This scenario presents several
interesting problems:
- Once a real world object or device has been augmented with new
services and information, how do you make the user aware of
these services, and how do you make these services
available to a user through the object itself
("on location")? We believe that this is best done by extending
existing affordances of the object when possible, and adding
new ones when necessary. As an example, consider a front door which has
been augmented with an outdoor camera. One way of extending
the affordances of the door might be to replace the peephole
with a "hole" that can be rotated and slid around the door
in order to control the view of the camera.
- Universal accessibility is very important both locally
and remotely. Homes are lived in by people of all sorts and
sizes, including people who are handicapped, older, very
young, and people who may have very little computer
experience, etc. Our system also needs to be accessible
remotely to people without computers and people with very low
bandwidth connections and limited services, as well as
computing professionals with high-bandwidth personal
machines. Here again, the accessibility of the system to
different people is an important consideration.
Overview of Paper
In the next section we discuss related projects. Following that, we
introduce the Domisilica system as it currently stands. The next
section discusses the variety of interfaces which are needed for ubiquitous
access to and in the home. In order to support the range of interfaces
required to solve the problems described above, we are building a set
of toolkits for integrating and creating different types of UIs. After
discussing these toolkits, we conclude with a section on future work.
This work grew from the PALplates project [9] (done at
FX-PAL) which consists of a remotely accessible model of a real space
(an office place) and objects in that office. PALplates only supported
one mode of interaction (a GUI interface). Touch screen terminals were
placed around the office in order to provide access to new services
"on location". Another project which helped to guide our initial
approach was the Jupiter project [11], which implements
remote access from home to real world office spaces. Jnnnnnnnnnupiter was built
on the assumption that its users would have a high-quality connection
(good enough to support audio and video multicasting), an assumption
which cannot be made for users of a home, who may include people
members with access to telnet or email at most.
While people have studied computing in the home ([15],[8]),
the focus has generally been on technologies imported from the office
place (such as email, the Web, and computer-centric tasks like
word-processing). One exception to this is the
Neural Network House [10], a home which manages climate control and learns about
its user's habits over time. While this research explores a climate
control service in depth, it does not address the interface issues we
are contending with.
Both the ubiquitous computing community and many entrepreneuring
technophiles have explored ways of adding new computing power
throughout our physical environments. (See the July 1993 CACM (titled
"Back to the Real World").) Augmented reality
([17], [4],[16], [18]), represents one
approach to giving users access to new services and information. The
DigitalDesk [18] project is a good example of how the
affordances of paper can be
extended to provide new services. The ParcTab/Pad [17] ubiquitous computing
project involves adding new computing objects to the
environment rather than extending already existing objects into the
computing world. Fitzmaurice [4] describes a portable,
personal palmtop display which can be used to view augmented aspects
of real world objects, and Feiner et. al [3] use a wearable
display to show virtual information overlayed on real objects. While
these are a valid approaches, they require the user to carry the
interface. As an alternative, we have chosen to build the input and
output into the augmented device. This type of interface is
exemplified by the work of Ishii et. al in graspable user interfaces
and tangible bits ([6] [5].)
Much of the research done in supporting disabled users ([7],[14],[2],[13]) is very applicable to
Domisilica. Work involving blind users can support both our goal of
universal access, and can also be applied to the development of
non-visual interfaces such as phone-based access. The Dual[14] project provides a way of generating both a
visual and non-visual interface to the same application in an
integrated fashion, while Mercator [2] automatically
generates an audio interface from an X-based GUI. Emacspeak [13], similar to Dual, can present both visual
(text-based) and non-visual interfaces simultaneously. Domisilica
follows the philosophy of Dual: that non GUI interfaces are best
developed independently with metaphors appropriate to the medium. We
feel, however, that there are many different modes of UI's which
should be supported, each with different metaphors, not just
two. These include GUIs; visual but non-graphical UIs (eg MOOs (a MOO
is object-oriented, extensible database built to support "shared
computing with a powerful real world metaphor." [1]), emacs); audio and phone-based UIs (eg
conversational metaphors), and many others.
Domisilica consists of a central database which stores a model of the
home; a Java toolkit for developing UI's; several devices for use in
the kitchen; a system for converting text-speech for audio interfaces;
and a portable device which can be used to hear audio. The system is
installed and can be accessed remotely by anyone on our internal web
server. The real world side of the system is currently set up only for
demos, but we are building a more permanent installation for it in a
Home Infrastructure laboratory which includes a living room, kitchen,
and bedroom. Figure 2 provides an overview of the system.
Figure 2 The connections between the server, the real world, people
(on-location and remote), and devices
The database is a MOO [1], running on the LambdaMOO
Server. It contains a model of the home, but also includes virtual
data which has no real world correspondence (this is what we need to
build interfaces to in the home), even though it may be associated
with specific appliances, etc. An example of virtual data might be an
electronic note which has been posted on the "front" of the virtual
refrigerator. In addition, much of the state of the real world is not
modeled in the database. Devices and users can connect to the
database to run functions, update status, and access state or other
data. In order to connect to the server, a device, person, or user
interface must be able to open a socket connection. The server can
also open outbound socket connections to other programs when
The Java toolkit provides support for building interactors for objects
in the database (which generally correspond to devices, places, or
services in the home). It also supports a communication protocol for
requesting information and receiving events from the MOO. The GUI
aspects of the package are built on top of SubArctic.
(SubArctic, like Mercator [2] can generate audio interfaces,
but the preferred method for non-visual access is via the
conversational, text-only interface automatically provided by the
MOO). The GUI includes a window (the "Application Manager") which
will dynamically load all of the interactors associated with objects
in the MOO model which are visible to the user. This means that users
can add new functionality to the database simply by writing a java
class (an interactor, in the GUI case) which implements that
functionality, and setting a special property of the corresponding
database object to contain the name of the new class. The standard GUI
system will then dynamically load that new interactor, incorporating
it into the user's display on the fly. Our GUI application manager can
be run from the WWW as an applet or locally as a Java application.
As an example of the real world side of things, we have implemented a
kitchen inventory system which uses a bar code reader and an image
recognizer to identify food items as they are unpacked. Note that
while this may support additional functionalities, it is not in and of
itself a way to access new data or call new functions. It is simply a
way of informing the computer of changes in state. Ideally this should
be done auto-magically. As the system stands, it still requires some
overhead from the user, who must run each food item through the
scanner or recognizer before putting it away. We feel that this is not
unreasonable since most people start at a central place (a pile of
bags) when unloading groceries, provided we can show them some gain
for the extra work. Ultimately we hope to embed scanning technology in
the places where food is stored. Supermarkets are already working on
technology which can scan a whole shopping cart at once. Why not a
whole pantry or refrigerator?
When designing this system, we chose a centralized model of the real
world because it simplifies the task of providing a representation of
the current state of services available to the user. There are
arguments for additional robustness in distributed systems, but
Domisilica can also be integrated with distributed computing in the
house if each individual appliance is responsible for updating their
status in the database with log data at regular intervals.
Once real world objects have been computationally enhanced (extended
into the computing world), their user interfaces must also be
enhanced. This task has two parts: on location access in which we
follow the approach of Ishii et. al. [6]; and remote
access, which draws on research done for the Jupiter project and on
the PALplates project. Both types of access must support users of all
ages and abilities. A home must be both safe (secure) and accessible
to any potential (and valid) users.
On Location Access
The basic goal in local access is to extend the affordances of real
world objects [12] whenever possible to support their enhanced
functionality. For example, in order to allow people to view and leave
electronic notes on the door of their refrigerator, it makes sense to
embed a touch screen or pen-operated display in that door. We are
currently building a pen computer into a refrigerator door. Even
better might be a set of portable notes which can be physically
carried from location to location but can display electronic data.
Remote Access
In order to provide universally accessible remote access, we need to
support the variety of modalities via which a user might wish or need
to use when connect to our system. For example, a user with RSI
(repetitive strain injury) might find a GUI output plus voice input
system most accessible. A user without a computer will almost
certainly have access to a telephone.
The following set of modalities are currently supported:
- GUI for full-bandwidth connections
- text for limited-bandwidth connections or small displays
- audio output for low-vision users, to provide
"atmosphere", and eventually for any situation where audio
might be more appropriate.
- audio-to-phone output for receiving status updates via
a portable system (we are working on input, at which point
users will be able to phone the system and interact with it
using a combination of DTMF and voice).
Other modalities we plan to support include various combinations of
audio output, pointer input, typing, voice-as-data, and recognized
voice. Uses of voice-as-data include multimedia notes and direct
conversation between remote and on-location users of the system. Many
of these modalities will also be helpful in on-location interface
The implementation of the large variety of user interfaces described
above sounds like a daunting task. However, it can be greatly
simplified, if we begin to separate interface from functionality
and to support development of multiple
interfaces by encapsulating non-modality-specific interface features
in common computational objects (see Dual [14]).
This approach is facilitated by the fact that all of our functionality
is stored in a database (MOO objects are programmable, so in addition
to storing data, they store functionality). Interfaces are
just a view of the properties of objects (data) plus interactors for
accessing their functionality. One very important aspect of this work
is that different interfaces present the user with a metaphor tailored
for the modality of interaction ([14], [20], [7]). We have a slight
advantage here over other applications; there is an obvious semantic
metaphor that holds the system together: the mapping to the real world
(rooms in a house containing various appliances). This metaphor is
used by our version of a Window Manager or "Application Manager". It
gives the user a way to access any of the many applications available
in a given room and to navigate to different rooms. Even so, this
metaphor must be tailored to the situation, and different
representations of a room or set of rooms are appropriate in different
settings. For example, one interface may draw a three-dimensional
picture of a room, while another might simply map real world places to
folders and appliances to recognizable icons, and a third might
present a conversational interface involving textual
descriptions. Also, the real world mapping metaphor does not help as
much at the application level. Each application may be built by a
different person, and must support multiple modalities and
metaphors. This is especially true for functions which have been added
to the real world -- for example, a function which visualizes the
changes in population of a room over time might take a very different
form in a GUI than "on location" or in an audio interface. Our
solution to this problem is to provide toolkits for different
modalities. Toolkits for GUI, audio, and text-based access are
described in the following sections.
Toolkit for building GUI interfaces
We have implemented a standard set of interactors corresponding to the
following MOO objects: "rooms", "maps", "containers", and
"things" (objects that cannot contain other objects) (The
for this toolkit are available.)
Programmers can subclass from these interactors to provide special
functionality, or use as-is if they simply wish to represent state
information about the domicile. Each MOO object is represented
on-screen either as a dynamically-loaded Java class, or a pointer to a
URL. Most MOO objects are shown as icons which can be used to identify
the real world object corresponding to that MOO interface object. The
icon, Java classname, and other UI information, along with functions
implementing any special functionality are all stored in the MOO. The
Java toolkit simply parses that data (we provide a parser class and a
connection to the MOO along with a protocol for requesting and
receiving information) and makes the appropriate changes in the UI.
Text-based access
The MOO database server (LambdaMOO server) was initially built
specifically for text-based access. The metaphor supported by
LambdaMOO is that of a text-based virtual space with a conversational,
semi-natural language interface. The user sees descriptions of: the
room they are in, any objects or users also in that room, and any
available exits. They can ask for more details, run commands, converse
with other users, or navigate to other rooms. In our system, these
rooms correspond to real world places which the user can visit in person
(or may be standing in if they are doing on-location text-based
Audio access
The semi-natural language interface (which has a limited vocabulary)
and text-based rooms metaphor are ideal candidates for audio input and
output respectively. Although we have not yet constructed a system for
audio input, we do have audio output working. Currently, audio can be
played on a speaker or sent to a portable phone. This is useful in
non-interactive situations for announcements and monitoring, and can
be combined with other modes of input such as a keyboard for full
interactivity. Audio output has been integrated with a system used by
blind users called Emacspeak [13].
We see potential for expansion of many different aspects of
Domisilica in the future. A short list of some of these areas follows:
- Persistence in UI's: The Domisilica system is a persistent
database which may have users connected at any time, or include a
persistent UI. When a new appliance is added, or an interface to an
existing appliance is updated, currently connected users should not
have to exit and reconnect, and persistent interfaces should automatically
update to reflect the new state of the database.
- Security: If Domisilica is to come into use in a real house, we
need to make some guarantees about security, and our user interfaces
need to support those guarantees. Currently, users are required to
have a password to access the system, but that's the extent of our
security. In the future, we need to make it possible for members of
the same household to have secure spaces which other family members
cannot enter, and to provide more stringent authentication in order to
make the system more secure from outside hackers.
- Concurrency and Events: Although all of the current users support multiple
users, our current concurrency model is very naive. We plan to build
a more robust system modeled on that of Jupiter [11]. We
also plan to build a more sophisticated event handler by integrating
real world events into the SubArctic user-interface event model.
- Real World affordances: Time and thought need to be spent on
generalizing the ways in which the affordances of real objects might
be extended and providing a toolkit to build these interfaces. The
toolkit's development is complicated by the need for physical
interaction devices, and a complete toolkit should probably come with
sensors and "physical interactors" as well as virtual or
"computational" interactors.
- A real home: In order to really test the effectiveness of the
Domisilica system, we need to integrate it with a real home. We
currently have one volunteer who has already implemented a distributed
system in his home. We plan to begin integrating with his home this spring.
Domisilica represents a potential solution to the problem of providing
ubiquitous access to the home. By modeling the home in a database, we
can extend the capabilities of real world objects. This requires us to
then integrate an interface to the new services into the residence
being modelled. A computer model also makes remote access to services
in the home. In order to provide ubiquitous access to these services,
we need to support a broad range of interfaces and users. We have
built some toolkits to support the development of multiple
interfaces. Now that we have a working system, we look forward to the
most exciting phase of this project: putting it into use in real
homes. Such a system will allow us to explore activities such as
communication and inventory and resource management.
The authors would like to thank colleagues in the GVU Center, particularly those
involved in the Future Computing Environments group, and the Broadband
Telecommunications Center, for their support and brainstorming that
lead to the Domisilica project. Special thanks to Ken Calvert, Chris
Atkeson and the many undergraduate students who have contributed to
various stages of development of Domisilica and its precursor,
CyberFridge. Many thanks also to Joe Bayes, and the many other people
who have helped to augment Jen's hands. Thanks also to Ben for help
with this submission. This work has been sponsored in
part by a grant from Intel Corporation. Jennifer Mankoff is supported
by a National Science Foundation HCI Traineeship Fellowship Grant # GER-9454185.