Point of Need Computing

How do we identify places to locate kiosks?

What tasks do those places afford?

What hardware/software do we plan to use?

Right now we are considering several different hardware platforms.  We will probably use the Windows95 operating system. For our interface, we plan to use a combination of cgi-bin scripts, HTML, and java. This will (hopefully) be easily accessible both from the desktop environment and the PALplates.

Can we identify a set of tasks common to kiosks in general?

What sort of interface will we provide?

Objects have properties. Directory, Notes, Suggestion Boxes, etc all pick objects based on who's near, what's near, and where's near, not just one of them.

Web based, probably.

Two different approaches discussed so far:

Copyright © 1996 FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc. For problems or questions regarding this web contact Jen Mankoff. Last updated June 20, 1996.