Currently information that may or may not belong to our desktop computers is being collected on them. It contributes to, what is generally referred to as the information overload problem. Why not change from the "information management from your desktop computer" approach to "handling information where it belongs" approach?
All PALplates have: Public Announcements, Suggestion box, Administration, Up button and Internet phone.
PALplates allow one to authenticate themselves and access their personal PALpages with Private calendar, Check voice mail and other location dependent functions
Printer: Print files by accessing your personal filesystem, Display the print queue, Remove a job from queue, Supplies information, Order supplies, Complaints, On-site help/manual.
Fascimile: Fax files by accessing your personal filesystem, Customize fax cover sheets, Supplies information, Order supplies, Complaints, On-site help/manual.
Copier: Supplies information, Order supplies, Complaints, On-site help/manual.
Multifunction Devices: Supplies information, Order supplies, Complaints, On-site help/manual.
Meeting/Conference/Auditorium Room: Phone forwarding, Conference room schedule, Conference room reservation, Audio/Video equipment request, Controls information.
Coffee Room: News, Supplies, Order food, Conference room schedule, Phone forwarding.
Visitors Entry-way: Interactive floor/building maps, People, Art work, Conference room schedule.
Personal Offices: Public calendar, Accept voice mail, Messages for visitors, Phone forwarding. (many types)
Library: Search for books/articles, Check-in, Check-out, Conditional recall.
Filing Room:
Patio: Conference room schedule, Phone forwarding.
Lobby: Conference room schedule.
PALplates will be a unique technology from FXPAL. An experiment tried at PARC called 'PARC pad' has an apparent resemblance to this idea. However, PARC pads were designed as an experiment in mobile computing with laptop size devices in mind. These pads have not been designed with office information system and information where-and-when it is needed ideology in mind. They run X windows and do not lend to the web-like interface envisioned for PALplates.
PALplates is an experiment and the challenge is to make it successful in a real office.