Class PALplate.interactors.snap_drag_handle
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Class PALplate.interactors.snap_drag_handle
- public class snap_drag_handle
- extends drag_handle
- implements snap_draggable
A container class for one object that provides a drag handle.
Modified from snap_container
This doesn't inherit directly from snap_container because
there is no need to publish anything about the feature points
of it's children. Instead, it's children act and work just like
normal, except for the little square in the corner where
you can grab on to snap-drag this.
snap_drag_handle(int, int, boolean, callback_object, loaded_image)
full constructor.
snap_drag_handle(int, int, boolean, loaded_image)
Nearly full constructor.
anti_snap_feedback(event, Point, Point, int, snap_targetable, Object, Object)
Perform feedback while an anti-snap is active.
anti_snap_to(event, Point, Point, int, snap_targetable, Object, Object)
Indicate that the object should anti-snap to a given target object.
press(event, Object)
Handle mouse button press input to the object.
snap_feedback(event, Point, Point, int, snap_targetable, Object)
Perform feedback while a snap is active.
snap_to(event, Point, Point, int, snap_targetable, Object)
Indicate that the object should snap to a given target object.
unanti_snap_to(event, Point, Point, int, snap_targetable, Object, Object)
Indicate that the object is no longer anti-snapped to a given target
unsnap_to(event, Point, Point, int, snap_targetable, Object)
Indicate that the object is no longer snapped to a given target object.
public snap_drag_handle(int x,
int y,
boolean do_bb_feedback,
callback_object cbo,
loaded_image hnd_img)
- full constructor.
- Parameters:
- int - x initial x position of the container.
- int - y initial y position of the container.
- boolean - do_bb_feedback whether we do bounding box feedback.
- callback_object - cbo object to make callbacks to.
- loaded_image - hnd_img an image for the grow handle.
public snap_drag_handle(int x,
int y,
boolean do_bb_feedback,
loaded_image hnd_img)
- Nearly full constructor. This provides a null callback.
- Parameters:
- int - x initial x position of the container.
- int - y initial y position of the container.
- boolean - do_bb_feedback whether we do bounding box feedback.
- loaded_image - hnd_img an image for the grow handle.
public boolean press(event evt,
Object user_info)
- Handle mouse button press input to the object. Here, we start dragging.
- Parameters:
- event - evt the press event.
- Object - user_info information associated with this object at pick
- Returns:
- boolean indicating whether the input was consumed.
- Overrides:
- press in class drag_container
public boolean snap_feedback(event evt,
Point orig_pt,
Point snap_pt,
int feature_pt_indx,
snap_targetable target_obj,
Object user_info)
- Perform feedback while a snap is active. Here we do nothing.
- Parameters:
- event - evt the event "causing" the snap.
- Point - orig_pt where this object would be without
the snap.
- Point - snap_pt where this object is with the snap.
- int - feature_pt_indx the feature point of this object
that we are snapping with.
- snap_targetable - target_obj the target object we are snapping
- Object - user_info the user info for this input.
- Returns:
- boolean indicating if the input has been consumed.
public boolean anti_snap_to(event evt,
Point orig_pt,
Point snap_pt,
int feature_pt_indx,
snap_targetable target_obj,
Object anti_snap_info,
Object user_info)
- Indicate that the object should anti-snap to a given target object.
Here we just move the object to the anti-snap position.
- Parameters:
- event - evt the event "causing" the anti-snap.
- Point - orig_pt where this object would be without
the anti-snap.
- Point - snap_pt where this object is with the
- int - feature_pt_indx the feature point of this object
that we are anti-snapping with.
- snap_targetable - target_obj the target object we are
anti-snapping to.
- Object - user_info the user info for this input.
- Returns:
- boolean indicating if the input has been consumed.
public boolean anti_snap_feedback(event evt,
Point orig_pt,
Point snap_pt,
int feature_pt_indx,
snap_targetable target_obj,
Object anti_snap_info,
Object user_info)
- Perform feedback while an anti-snap is active. Here we do nothing.
- Parameters:
- event - evt the event "causing" the anti-snap.
- Point - orig_pt where this object would be without
the anti-snap.
- Point - snap_pt where this object is with the
- int - feature_pt_indx the feature point of this object
that we are anti-snapping with.
- snap_targetable - target_obj the target object we are
anti-snapping to.
- Object - user_info the user info for this input.
- Returns:
- boolean indicating if the input has been consumed.
public boolean snap_to(event evt,
Point orig_pt,
Point snap_pt,
int feature_pt_indx,
snap_targetable target_obj,
Object user_info)
- Indicate that the object should snap to a given target object. Here
we move the object to the snap point.
- Parameters:
- event - evt the event "causing" the snap.
- Point - orig_pt where this object would be without
the snap.
- Point - snap_pt where this object is with the snap.
- int - feature_pt_indx the feature point of this object
that we are snapping with.
- snap_targetable - target_obj the target object we are snapping
- Object - user_info the user info for this input.
- Returns:
- boolean indicating if the input has been consumed.
public boolean unanti_snap_to(event evt,
Point orig_pt,
Point snap_pt,
int feature_pt_indx,
snap_targetable target_obj,
Object anti_snap_info,
Object user_info)
- Indicate that the object is no longer anti-snapped to a given target
object. Here we just move back to our nominal position.
- Parameters:
- event - evt the event "causing" the unanti-snap.
- Point - orig_pt where this object should be without
the anti-snap.
- Point - snap_pt where this object was with the
- int - feature_pt_indx the feature point of this object
that we were anti-snapping with.
- snap_targetable - target_obj the target object we were
anti-snapping to.
- Object - user_info the user info for this input.
- Returns:
- boolean indicating if the input has been consumed.
public boolean unsnap_to(event evt,
Point orig_pt,
Point snap_pt,
int feature_pt_indx,
snap_targetable target_obj,
Object user_info)
- Indicate that the object is no longer snapped to a given target object.
Here we return the object to its nominal position.
- Parameters:
- event - evt the event "causing" the unsnap.
- Point - orig_pt where this object should be without
the snap.
- Point - snap_pt where this object was with the snap.
- int - feature_pt_indx the feature point of this object
that we were snapping with.
- snap_targetable - target_obj the target object we were snapping
- Object - user_info the user info for this input.
- Returns:
- boolean indicating if the input has been consumed.
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