![Future Computing Environments](/fce/pics/fce.jpg)
Cyberguide Project Page
The CyberGuide project focuses on how portable computers can assist in
exploring physical spaces and cyberspaces. We are developing handheld
intelligent tour guides to demonstrate future computing environments.
For example, at monthly demo days visitors are each given a personal
mobile computing interface (a cyberguide). Possible applications of
such guides are:
Translate Japanese signs and menus for a visitor to Japan.
Map a space (fancier version of sonar measurer).
Tour guide for art museum:
"What is that picture ...?" or
"Take me to picture X ...?"
Recognize faces and people at cocktail parties.
Take hypertext notes.
Field guide used to recognize leaves, plants, or trees.
Cyberguide Prototypes
We have been building prototypes of Cyberguide on various mobile
platforms to support indoor and outdoor tours at Georgia Tech. The
following are pointers to project notebooks that describe the
prototypes in further detail.
From July 1995 until August 1997, a group of undergraduate students at
Georgia Tech have produced a series of Cyberguide indoor and outdoor
prototypes on a variety of handheld devices. The above link takes you
to the main project page for this undergraduate project and contains
pointers to historical information as well as the latest project work.
Atlanta will never be the same, now that we have this travelling
companion. Uses GPS positioning and provides the beginnings of a
modifiable database for collecting information about local Atlanta
Version developed using Delphi. No position-awareness, but
demonstrates more sophisticated map interactions, such as rotation and
comes with a map building tool.
Another indoor Cyberguide developed using Visual Basic that
incorporates an infra-red positioning system similar to the Newton.
Project overview
CHI'96 Short Paper
- Sue Long, Dietmar Aust, Gregory D. Abowd and Chris Atkeson.
Cyberguide: Prototyping Context-Aware Mobile Applications. CHI'96 Short
paper, December 1995.
Cyberguide MobiCom'96 paper
- Sue Long, Rob Kooper, Gregory D. Abowd, and Christopher
G. Atkeson. Rapid Prototyping of Mobile Context-Aware Applications:
The Cyberguide Case Study. In the Proceedings of the 2nd ACM
International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
(MobiCom'96), November 1996. To appear.
Cyberguide journal paper
- Gregory D. Abowd, Christopher G. Atkeson, Jason Hong, Sue Long,
Rob Kooper and Mike Pinkerton. Cyberguide: A Mobile Context-Aware
Tour Guide. Baltzer/ACM Wireless Networks,
Vol. 3. 1997. To appear.
Other information
Related Work
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