CS 6250 - Computer Networks
Sockets Programming Assignment 2 - Assigned: November 9 Due: Monday November 28 23:59
P2PChat Application Programming
For this homework you will implement an online chat program.
This program will allow users to carry on a chat session with
other users in a group.
There are several interesting aspects to this assignment.
First, we are architecting our chat service as a peer-to-peer
service. Thus, your application will be both a client and a server.
When you want to join a chat group you will do so by connecting
to some other member of the group. Once you are a member of a group
you must allow connections from other members.
In order to discover other group members, we will use a rendezvous
server that your client contacts to receive a list of current members
for the group you are interested in. I have implemented the
rendezvous server. You don't have to implement this server but your
chat application will have to contact it.
As a peer-to-peer architecture, you will be responsible for
forwarding messages you receive from one peer to other peers
in your network. This is basically a flooding algorithm.
More on this later...
Another interesting aspect of this assignment is that you
should be able to test your application by chatting with
other students in the class. In the end, we should have 9
independent but interoperable versions of this tool!
User Interface (UI)
The UI will allow users to connect to the chat service,
identify themselves as chat users, join a group and then send messages.
The actual UI design is completely up to you.
The command line should support providing the hostname of the
rendezvous server and port number. For instance, the invocation
p2pchat gomez.cc.gatech.edu:8421
This invokes the chat program, contacting to the server on the
host gomez using UDP port 8421. This should be your
normal invocation for using and testing this assignment.
Once the application is running, it prompts the user for input.
You should support the following features:
list - get a list of groups from the rendezvous server.
join groupname username - join the group "groupname" as the user "username".
Let's restrict both of these to single word names with printable characters.
sending and receiving data
Text that is typed by the user should be echoed on the screen
and sent to all connected chat programs.
Text that is received should be displayed for the user.
leave - leave the group, closing all group connections.
The user could optionally join another group.
quit - exit the program, closing all group connections.
The Protocols
Now for the fun part. We need to define two protocols for
how this is all going to work. In many ways, the protocol
I propose here is just a start with many possible enhancements
left to be made.
As part of this assignment we will be evolving
the details. In particular, we may decide
that some additional messages are necessary to get this to work
as we like. At a minimum, we will most certainly need to further
clarify the semantics and behaviors of a correct implementation
of our service.
First, what is the interface
between your client and the rendezvous server? When the user
joins a group, before you indicate the successful join,
you must send a UDP query to the rendezvous server and request
a list of group members.
Join message from client to rendezvous server:
- Message Type - 1 byte - value is ASCII character "J" for Join
- Group Name - Variable length character sequence terminated by ":" - ASCII name of group to join
- User Name - Variable length character sequence terminated by ":" - ASCII name of user joining the group
Response message from rendezvous server to client:
- Message Type - 1 byte - value is ASCII character "S" for Success or "F" for failure
- List of group members and their IP addresses, represented as a sequence
of Username:Address: pairs
- User Name - Variable length character sequence terminated by ":" - ASCII name of user in group
- IP Address - A 32-bit integer in network byte order
Note that the ":" character appears after the address integer.
This was not in the original specification but was in the reference
- The message terminates with "::" to mark the last group member.
You should see yourself in this list.
The join message will cause a group to be created if you specify
a group that does not exist. In this case you will be listed as the only
member of this group.
What about getting the list of current groups?
Here is the protocol for that.
List request message from client to rendezvous server:
- Message Type - 1 byte - value is ASCII character "L" for List
List response message from rendezvous server to client:
- Message Type - 1 byte - value is ASCII character "G" for Groups.
- List of Group Names, separated by ":"
- Group Name - Variable length character sequence terminated by ":" - ASCII name of group
- The message terminates with "::" to mark the last group name.
Now what? Once you have a list, you must try to join the group network
by connecting to one of these group members. You will connect to them
using the same port, 8421. You will simply go through this list
of IP addresses, trying to connect to each one. Once you find a
successful connection, you don't have to try any more nodes. This
node will be your link to the chat group.
For simplicity, we will define just one message type for the peer-to-peer
protocol. This message contains the text that some user has typed. The
format is as follows:
- Message Type - 1 byte - value is ASCII character "T" for Text
- Group Name - Variable length character sequence terminated by ":" - Group name for which this message is intended.
- User Name - Variable length character sequence terminated by ":" - Original user that sent this message
- Message ID - A 32-bit integer in network byte order - This is a unique
identifier for messages from this user.
- Message Length - A 32-bit integer in network byte order - The number
of bytes of data in the user's message.
- User Message - The message data - Note that there is no termination character. You must read only the indicated number of bytes or you will run into the next message!
So, what do you do when you receive such a message?
- First, you check the
group name to see if this is the group you are in. If not, drop the message
and close this socket. Apparently someone connected to you with outdated
group information.
- If this is your group, you should check the username/messageid values
to make sure this is a new message you haven't seen before. If you've already
seen this message, do nothing.
- If this is a new message for your group, you have two jobs. First,
display the message for the user by printing it with the username.
Next, you must forward this message to any other users that are
currently connected to you.
Oh, and one other important point.
The rendezvous server will maintain the current list of group
members but we did not define a "leave group" message. Instead,
the rendezvous server will drop any members of the group it
has not heard from in the last 2 minutes. You will need to
periodically resend your join message to the server while
you are actively participating in the group.
Sample Chat Session
Here is a sample successful chat session, with a simple command line
interface, starting and ending with my shell command prompt on tokyo.
You should come up with a nicer interface, this is just an example.
tokyo> p2pchat gomez.cc.gatech.edu:8421
P2PChat>join Sailing Russ
Send>Ahoy Mates!
From: Gilligan> Ahoy Skipper!
From: Blackbeard> Arrrrgh.
...closing group
As before, your programs are to be written in standard Java
and should run on the GTL Linux systems.
You may develop your program anywhere but be sure it works
at GTL.
I'm using a server in Atlanta as the rendezvous server so you should
be able to access it from home. However, note that you
will have to deal with NAT if you have one because other clients
will need to connect to you!
A portion of your grade will come from demonstrating your programs
in the lab at GTL. We will do this together during class time in
our own interoperability test. I encourage you to do some interoperability
testing with your classmatest ahead of time.
Your client/server will be handling several different sockets.
First, to the rendezvous server. When the user
issues a join request, you must send a message to the server to
get the group list.
Second, you will have a connection you open to at least
one other peer. (Unless you are the first group member.)
And finally, you must be prepared for other peers to contact you!
You must have a socket bound to port 8421 where you periodically
check for new clients and preapre to receive messages from them.
You will need to maintain a list of other peers you are currently
connected to via open sockets. You will periodically cycle through
this list of sockets to see if there are any new messages for you
to process. For new messages, you will forward them to all of the
other open sockets except of course for the one on which it arrived.
- You must test your program and convince me it works!
Note that you should be able to test your program against itself.
Simply run the same program, connecting to a group as a different user.
Turnin Instructions:
- You will turn in your well-documented source code
and a README file.
The README file must contain:
- Your Name and email address
- Class name, date and assignment title
- Names and descriptions of all files submitted
- Detailed instructions for compiling and running your client
and server programs.
- A description of your application design (1/2 to 1 page)
- Any known bugs or limitations of your design or program.
You will be graded on the correctness of the code and its
comments, readability and structure.
The documentation will account for (25 percent) of
your homework grade.
- By 23:55 on the due date,
you must submit your program files online.
- Use the UNIX "tar" command to create an archive of your
complete set
of files, naming your .tar archive file "p1_lastname_firstname.tar":
(e.g. tar cvf p1_burdell_george.tar
Email the resulting tar file as an attachment to me at rjc@cc.gatech.edu
using the subject line CS6250 Program 2.