Spring 2010
Wednesday 15:05-17:55 - TSRB 123 Map
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This is a laboratory course focused on the area of application development and deployment in today's commercial, mobile networks. This course is not the same as CS 4261/8803 IMS (or MAS). That other course is a traditional lecture and project course. This lab is intended as a follow-on to the lecture course but I do not enforce it as a pre-requisite.
This class was originally inspired by the Georgia Tech IMS Research Competition. The competition has evolved and is now known as the Convergence Innovation Competition. The purpose of this lab is to provide an opportunity for students to work on projects related to the competition. All students in this class will be working on competition related projects.
While many of the students in this class are from the College of Computing, we encourage students from diverse areas on campus to participate. This includes people from Management, Communications, Music, and many others. In the course projects we have the flexibility to leverage the contributions of people with a wide range of experiences.
- Russell J. Clark, PhD
- Main office: Klaus 3333 - phone: 404.385.4706
- Email: Russ.Clark@gatech.edu Email is always the most reliable way to reach me.
Several people will be closely involved in this course.
- Matt Sanders - GT/OIT - msanders@oit.gatech.edu
- Ramsay Hall - GT/OIT - ramsay.hall@oit.gatech.edu
- GT/RNOC CIP lab staff
- Guest speakers from industry partners.
Related Classes
- Video Game Design - CS 4455, Maribeth Gandy and Jeff Wilson,
- Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing - CS 4605, Thad Starner,
- Special Topic-Communication - LCC 3843, David Jimison
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to abide by the Georgia Tech Honor Code. Honest and ethical behavior is expected at all times. All incidents of suspected dishonesty will be reported to and handled by the office of student affairs.
We do not have an official textbook for the class. We will make extensive use of online resources and class notes. There are some good books listed below that you might find useful.
Class Resources
Most of the class resources will be available on the Convergence Innovation Platform (CIP) website at http://www.cip.gatech.edu/Resources/Class.
- IMS Resources
- IMS Defined at Wikipedia
- 3rd Generaton Partnership Project (3GPP) main site, specifications
- IMS 101: What You Need To Know Now - article
- SIP/IMS Technical Portal Tech-invite site,
- IMS Development Wiki,
- RFC's of Interest - There are many RFC's related to IMS and SIP.
The ones listed here are a good place to start.
- Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) RFC 3261
- SIP Basic Call Flow Examples RFC 3665
- Session Description Protocol (SDP) RFC 2327
- Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) RFC 3550
- Indicating user Agent Capabilities in SIP RFC 3840
- SIP Event Package for Presence RFC 3856
- Developer Resources
(links to tools, etc.) - Books
- "The 3G IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS): Merging the Internet and the Cellular Worlds" by Gonzalo Camarillo, Miguel-Angel Garcia-Martin
- "The IMS: IP Multimedia Concepts and Services" by Miikka Poikselka, Aki Niemi, Hisham Khartabil, Georg Mayer