Spring 2009
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This is a lab course in the area of of application development and deployment in today's commercial, mobile networks. This course is a follow-on to the 4803/8803 MAS course I taught in the Fall of 2008. While I am not strictly enforcing this as a pre-requisite, I recommend that you take the fall lecture course first.
A central component of this course is an introduction to the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and the process of developing an application for IMS. (In fact, you've probably heard this course referred to as "The IMS Course".) The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is the next-generation standard in telecommunications network architecture, enabling a leap forward for voice, video, data, and multimedia applications. Telecommunications companies have begun deploying IMS technology to offer new services that subscribers can access from any location on a wide variety of devices. The students in this class will learn to design and develop these new services.
This class was originally inspired by the Georgia Tech IMS research competition. The competition was conducted during the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 academic years. This year we are conducting the Convergence Innovation Competition with a much broader set of opportunities. This lab course is primarily offered as a support resource for students participating in the competition. While you are not required to enter the competition as part of the class, your work for the class will be expected to be at a comparable level.
This is a project class. There will be a full semester project and several shorter projects throughout the semester. There are no exams. The projects will focus on the development of a new mobile application and business plan that goes along with it. More details on projects and milestones will be available soon.Your grade will be determined by the instructors and RA's but with significant input from your peers. You will also be graded on the quality of the input you provide regarding the contributions of others to the overall project.
Topic Outline (updated as the semester develops)
This is a outline of possible topics that we will cover. We probably won't get to all of them.
Note that some links to class resources, such as slides and documentation are password restricted to GT students only. Use your prism credentials for access.
Class Resources
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to abide by the Georgia Tech Honor Code. Honest and ethical behavior is expected at all times. All incidents of suspected dishonesty will be reported to and handled by the office of student affairs.