CS 4255/6255 -
Principles of Network Management
Spring 2009
- TuTh 9:35-10:55 - CCB 101
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This course provides an introduction to problems in network management
and the current research in the area.
It covers the general challenges faced in the management of modern
data and telco networks with an emphasis on data network management.
The details of the SNMP protocol and SNMP-based management are
covered as part of this class.
Class participation is an important part of this class. You
will be expected to do the readings and prepare to discuss the
topics and papers presented. During the second half of the semester
you will lead the discussion with a research presentation and
the results of your semester project.
Teaching Assistant
Semester Project
You will be working in groups of 3-4 students on a significant
research project in the area of network management. You
should begin the first week by forming a project team and
starting to research various areas of network management
for your project. Most projects will include some amount of
implementation work.
- January 15 - Identify project teams and register with the instructor
Use T-Square forum discussions to identify potential team members.
- January 29 - Written project proposal - 1-2 pages describing the topic
area and basic ideas
- March 13 - Interim project report
- approximately 10 pages
- 10 references
- Detailed background on the problem area
- Proposed project solution, timeline for completion
- April 14 to April 23 - Final presentations
Presentation Guidelines:
- 45 minutes in class
- Review the background and problem space
- Present your results: demo's if appropriate
- April 29 - Final project report
Report Guidelines:
- approximately 20 pages
- 10+ references
- A complete, self contained report.
- Include revised and updated interim report.
- Add results, analysis, conclusions and any future work.
Some Potential Project Topics
Project Presentations
Throughout the semester we will be covering various current research
topics in network management. In the final weeks of the semester,
each research group will lead one research discussion.
You will present the background and related work for your
research project and then present your project.
You will "assign" the class reading for that
day and prepare a full class presentation.
Supplements to Assignments
- RFC's of Interest
- Network Management Tools and Web Resources
- Network Monitoring Tools -
an index of freely available network monitoring tools
- Sample MIB Dumps - These are the
walk outputs we went over in class.
- Event Correlation in Spectrum and Other Commercial Products - By Lundy Lewis
resources including an online
- CNOM - Committee on Network Operations and Management
This site has very useful links to recent conferences and workshops
in network management. You can find many presentations and papers
on current topics in network management.
- NANOG - North American Network Operators
This group meets regularly to discuss network operations and management
issues. Lots of links to discussions, previous meeting notes and tools.
Look at ISP resources and security tools.
- The CAIDA site has endless
resources on network data and measurement.
- CiteSeer - Scientific Literature
Digital Library
Previous Exam
Watch this space for other supplements!
- Mid-Term Exam - rescheduled for Thursday, April 16; closed book, one page of notes
- Final Exam - TBD; Final Exam time will be used
for final semester project presentations.
- Reference Texts
- Network Management: Principles
and Practice,
Mani Subramanian. Published by Addison Wesley.
- William Stallings,
SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, AND RMON 1 and 2,
Addison-Wesley, Third Edition, 1999.
- Marshall T. Rose, The Simple Book, Prentice Hall PTR, 1996.
- Allan Leinwand and Karen Fang,
Network Management; A Practical Perspective,
Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2nd Edition, 1996.
Grading and Academic Honesty
Your grade will be determined by your performance on
the exam and final project.
The weights are as follows:
- Midterm Exam - 50%
- Final Project - 50%
Students are expected to abide by the Georgia Tech Honor Code. Honest
and ethical behavior is expected at all times. All incidents of
suspected dishonesty will be reported to and handled by the office of
student affairs.
Topic Outline (updated weekly)
- Introduction - January 6-8 - Text Ch. 1,
Cisco Network Management Overview,
General Network Mgmt Resources
- Network Components - January 13-15 - Ch. 2
Telco Network History Slides,
VLAN Defined,
VMPS and dynamic VLAN configuration
- Standards, Models - Jan 19 - Sections 3.1-3.5
- Configuration Management, Network Discovery - Jan 24-26 - Sections 12.1.3 and 13.1
Cisco Configuration Management White Paper
class notes
- Performance Management Overview - Jan 31, Feb 2
The Network Weather Service: A Distributed Resource Performance Forecasting
Service for Metacomputing, R Wolski, N Spring, J Hayes, 1999.
- SNMP the (not so) Simple Network Management Protocol - Feb 10
- ASN.1 and BER - Feb 12 - Sections 3.6-3.9
- SMI, MIB's and MIB-II - Feb 17 - Ch. 4
- SNMP Protocol Operations, BER example, SNMP Tables - Feb 21 - Ch. 5
- MIB Design - February 24
Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of MIB Documents
RFC 4181
- Service Level Management, Performance Monitoring, RMON, RMON2 - March 6 - Ch. 8
Taxonomy Paper
- OpenFlow
- Fault Correlation and Root Cause Analysis - April 10 -
paper - Text Chapter 13
- SNMP v3, Management Security - April 5 - Ch. 7
- Commercial Net Management Tool Overview - April 12 -
- Vendor Talks -
- Project Presentations -
- Internet Routing Studies -
paper 1 -
paper 2 -
- K. Papagiannaki, R. Cruz, C. Diot.
Network Performance Monitoring at Small Time Scales.
In ACM Internet Measurement Conference, Miami, U.S.A.,
October 2003.
paper -
- Web Delay Studies -
- WBEM and XML-based network Management
- Network Security - Intrusion Detection Systems
Russell J. Clark
Created: Tue Aug 10 18:26:26 2004