Fall 2008
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This course provides an introduction to problems in computer networking, including errors, medium access, routing, flow control and transport. Emphasis is on current best practice, and specifically on solutions deployed in the current Internet. Includes programming of networked applications.
Teaching Assistant and Office Hours
Shruti Sanadhya - shruti.sanadhya@gatech.edu - Monday and Tuesday 11 to 12 in the commons area outside of Klaus 3333
Myungcheol Doo - mcdoo@cc.gatech.edu - Tuesday and Thursday 2 to 3:30 in Klaus 3201
The TA's are available to answer your questions regarding class material and assignments. The TA's are responsible for grading the homeworks and programming assignments. The instructor is responsible for grading the exams.
Class Portal Site for Assignments, Forums, Wikis and Such
We have a new classroom technology site called T-square. We're going to try using this for assignments and class discussions. I would like to try using these forums rather than a newsgroup. Take some time to look around the site and learn how to use it!
We will be doing four to five written assignments and two network programming assignments in this course. The programs will be written in standard C, using Sockets. We will try to allow you to do your implementation on whatever OS and development environment you choose. However, keep in mind that the TA will need to run your programs to grade them and you will need to make that possible on some generally available environment (e.g. Linux, Windows, OSX).
You should strive to turn your assignments in on time. The late homework policy uses a time-credit system. You are allowed up to 3 "late days" over the course of the semester. You may use them whenever you like. For instance, you may use them all on a single assignment or spread them out over 3 assignments. However, once you have used your alloted days, additional late assignments will not be accepted. Also, note that you cannot use less than a day. If an assignment is 1 hour late it will be considered a full day.
Here is the tentative homework schedule. T-Square will have the official assignment postings and due dates.
Exam dates will not change. Make sure you can be here for these dates.Resources
Other Sockets Information
Other Resources
Grading and Academic Honesty
Your grade will be determined by your performance on programming assignments and exams. The weights are as follows:
You are to do all assignments yourself, unless explicitly told otherwise. You may not copy any solution (or part of a solution) from a classmate or previous student of this class.
Specifically, the following is not allowed:
You are encouraged to discuss problems and papers with others as long as this does not involve copying of code or solutions. Any public material that you use (open-source software, help from a text, material you find on the web, material from a paper, substantial help from a friend, etc...) should be acknowledged explicitly in anything you submit to us.
Course Outline (updated weekly, dates subject to change)
KR = Kurose and Ross; DC = Donahoo and Calvert