CS 4001HP
Reflection on Limits of Generative AI

Due:January 24th, 2024
Format:4 pages, double spaced, 12 pt font
Grading criteria:
  • Completeness
  • Writing
  • Insight into issues
  • Bibliography

Your homework has four parts. Please use generative AI ONLY FOR PART TWO where asked to do so; do not use it for the other parts.

  1. Pick a limitation of generative AI, and explain it (in approximately one page) to a smart but less-technically inclined person. You might consider:
    • Why generative AI is bad at math
    • Why generative AI creates fake references
    • Why generative AI makes factual errors
    • Some other limitation of your choosing
  2. Ask a generative AI tool to explain the same limitation. Provide the name of the tool, your prompt, and the output.
  3. Compare your answer and the answer provided by the generative AI. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?
  4. What might Langdon Winner say about generative AI? Provide a few insights in approximately one page.

Please include at least three references, in APA format.