Graphcut Textures: Image and Video Synthesis Using Graph Cuts |
In this paper we introduce
a new algorithm for image and video texture synthesis. In our approach,
patch regions from a sample image or video are transformed and copied
to the output and then stitched together along optimal seams to generate
a new (and typically larger) output. In contrast to other techniques, the
size of the patch is not chosen a-priori, but instead a graph cut technique
is used to determine the optimal patch region for any given offset between
the input and output texture. Unlike dynamic programming, our graph cut
technique for seam optimization is applicable in any dimension. We specifically
explore it in 2D and 3D to perform video texture synthesis in addition
to regular image synthesis. We present approximative offset search techniques
that work well in conjunction with the presented patch size optimization.
We show results for synthesizing regular, random, and natural images and
videos. We also demonstrate how this method can be used to interactively
merge different images to generate new scenes.
Related publication: Graphcut Textures: Image and Video Synthesis Using Graph Cuts Vivek Kwatra , Arno Schödl , Irfan Essa , Greg Turk and Aaron Bobick To appear in Proc. ACM Transactions on Graphics, SIGGRAPH 2003 Paper 23.2 MB | Paper 3.3 MB | SIGGRAPH Video (160 MB, 50 MB) | Video Results 87 MB | BibTex |
Results: Video texture results Interactive image synthesis results Rotation and perspective results Image texture results Credits |
Video texture results: Run your video player in loop mode
( * : The synthesized movie has increased spatial resolution ) |
Interactive image synthesis results:
Rotation and perspective results:
Image texture results: |
Acknowledgements (from the paper): We would like to thank Professor Ramin Zabih and his students at Cornell University for sharing their code for computing graph min-cut. Thanks also to the authors of Image Quilting (Alyosha Efros and Bill Freeman), Li-Yi Wei and Marc Levoy, and Ziv BarJoseph et al. for sharing their raw footage and results via their respective web sites to facilitate direct comparisons. Thanks also to Rupert Paget for maintaining an excellent web page on texture research and datasets, and to Martin Szummer for the MIT temporal texture database. Thanks also to the following for contributing their images or videos: East West Photo, Jens Grabenstein, Olga Zhaxybayeva, Adam Brostow, Brad Powell, Erskine Wood, Tim Seaver and Artbeats Inc.. Finally, we would like to thank our collaborators Gabriel Brostow, James Hays, Richard Szeliski and Stephanie Wojtkowski for their insightful suggestions and help with the production of this work. Arno Schö dl is now at think-cell Software GmbH in Berlin, Germany. This work was funded in part by grants from NSF (IIS-9984847, ANI-0113933 and CCR-0204355) and DARPA (F49620-001-0376), and funds from Microsoft Research. |