Puerto Rico, June 16, 1997


In Conjunction with IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Puerto Rico June 17-19, 1997.

Schedule for the Workshop


It is with great pleasure that we present the 1997 IEEE WORKSHOP ON NONRIGID AND ARTICULATED MOTION. This workshop is a follow-up to the 1994 IEEE Workshop on Motion of Non-Rigid and Articulated Objects organized by J. K. Aggarwal and T. S. Huang in Austin. With this workshop we are attempting to foster dialogue and debate through invited talks, panels and contributed papers on many aspects of nonrigid and articulated motion. A unique aspect of this workshop is the inclusion of papers on both nonrigid and articulated motion analysis and synthesis.

The topics of the accepted papers span the areas of computer vision techniques for human motion analysis and understanding, methods for object segmentation, computer graphics methods for modeling and animation of articulated objects, and medical image analysis techniques. The above topics, even though they do not cover all aspects of nonrigid and articulated motion, clearly demonstrate a growing interest in this area. We expect that in the years to come this interest will continue to grow and new theories and methods will be developed which will allow the efficient solution of difficult open problems in computer vision, graphics and medical image analysis. The tracking and understanding of actions by multiple humans, the real-time prediction and interpretation of atmospheric processes for meteorology applications, the real-time animation, control and behavior modeling of living organisms, the modeling and motion analysis of internal organs, the development of surgical simulators, and the assessment of athlete fitness from video input will continue to be among the exciting applications of these new methods.

The call for papers generated better than expected interest and we received papers from all over the world. The papers accepted for presentation at the Workshop went through a thorough reviewing process. Each paper was reviewed by at least two members of the program committee. The Program Committee consisted of 41 members from various research groups. The reviewing process was blind in order to avoid reviewing biases as much as possible. Based on the reviewers recommendations, 14 papers were accepted for inclusion in the proceedings. These papers in conjunction with the two invited talks and the panel should spark discussions on most open research problems in nonrigid and articulated motion analysis and synthesis.

We would like to thank J.K. Aggarwal and N. I. Badler, the General Chairs, and the Program Committee for their hard work. We would also like to thank the IEEE Computer Society and its Technical Committee on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence for sponsoring this workshop, and the IEEE Computer Society staff and the organizers of CVPR'97 for their help. Special thanks also go to Ioannis Kakadiaris, the Publications Chair, for all his hard work and useful suggestions.

Welcome to the IEEE Workshop on Nonrigid and Articulated Motion and to Puerto Rico. We hope this will be an exciting meeting.


D. N. Metaxas
Dept. of Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania
I. A. Essa
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology


J. K. Aggarwal
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
University of Texas at Austin
N. I. Badler
Dept. of Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania


The purpose of this workshop, held in conjunction with CVPR'97, is to foster dialogue and debate through invited talks, panels and previously unpublished contributed papers on all aspects of nonrigid and articulated motion analysis, interpretation, estimation, tracking and synthesis. Special emphasis will be given to computer vision techniques for human motion understanding and the use of these techniques for computer graphics and virtual environment animation with enhanced realism and control. Additionally, papers dealing with the fusion of computer graphics and computer vision techniques for modeling and motion will also be paid special attention.

Papers describing work in progress with details of initial work, preliminary results and intentions of future work that will be presented at the workshop are also encouraged.

Suggestive themes for submitted papers, spanning dynamic shape/motion models, techniques, and applications, include:

  • Deformable/Articulated Models
  • Dynamic Shape Segmentation, Estimation, Evolution
  • Nonrigid/Articulated Motion Estimation, Synthesis and Understanding
  • Object Tracking from single/multiple cameras
  • Analysis-by-Synthesis
  • Biomedical Applications
  • Interactive Environments and Real-Time Applications
  • Virtual and Virtualized Reality Applications
  • Monitoring Systems
  • Telemedicine Applications

  • Schedule

    Schedule of the Workshop.


    J. K. Aggarwal
    Dept. of Electrical Engineering
    University of Texas at Austin
    N. I. Badler
    Dept. of Computer and Information Science
    University of Pennsylvania


    D. N. Metaxas
    Dept. of Computer and Information Science
    University of Pennsylvania
    I. A. Essa
    College of Computing
    Georgia Institute of Technology


    K. Aizawa, U of Tokyo
    N. Ayache, INRIA
    A. Amini, Washington Univ.
    L. Axel, U. Penn
    A. Blake, Oxford
    M. Black, Xerox
    R. Bajcsy, U. Penn
    A. Bobick, MIT
    C. Brown, Rochester U.
    I. Carlbom, Lucent Technologies
    M. Cohen, Microsoft
    T. Kunii, U. Aizu
    T. Darell, Interval
    J. Duncan, Yale
    N. Ezquerra, GATECH
    H. Fuchs, UNC
    D. Goldgof, USF
    L. Guibas, Stanford
    T. S. Huang, UIUC
    V. Koivunen, Tampere U. of Tech.
    N. Lobo, UCF
    N. Magnenat-Thalman, U. of Geneva
    W. Martin, U. of Virginia
    H-H. Nagel, H-H Nagel Fraunhofer
    J. Park, U. Penn
    N. Patrikalakis, MIT
    A. Pentland, MIT
    G. S. Pingali, Lucent Technologies
    J. Prince, JHU
    J. Rehg, DEC CRL
    L. Rosenblum, NRL
    S. Sclaroff, Boston U.
    P. Smith, U. of Virginia
    R. Szeliski, Microsoft
    D. Terzopoulos, U. of Toronto
    D. Thalman, EPFL
    Y. Xiong, APPLE
    K. Waters, DEC CRL
    Y. Yacoob, U. of Maryland
    A. Young, U. of Auckland

    Local Arrangements Chair
    (CVPR 97 Conference) :
    Kevin Bowyer
    Department of Computer Science
    University of South Florida
    Publications Chair:
    Ioannis Kakadiaris
    Dept. of Computer and Information Science
    University of Pennsylvania

    Contact Information:

    D. N. Metaxas
    Center for Human Modeling and Simulation
    Dept. of Computer and Information Science
    University of Pennsylvania
    200 South 33rd St,
    Philadelphia, PA 19104-6389

    Sponsored by:
    IEEE Computer Society
    TC on PAMI