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ACM TechNews - Monday, November 28, 2005

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ACM TechNews
November 28, 2005

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  • Writing the Fastest Code, by Hand, for Fun: a Human Computer Keeps Speeding Up Chips
  • Computer R&D Rocks On
  • Cut IT Skills Shortage by Closing Gender Gap, Say Female IT Professionals
  • Probing Galaxies of Data for Nuggets
  • Outsourcing to the Heartland
  • Your Smiling Face
  • Two UW-Madison Professors Named to National LambdaRail Networking Research Council
  • Renewed Warning of Bandwidth Hoarding
  • Opposition Mounts to .Com Price Hike
  • Applications Are Outward-Bound
  • A Paper Questions Whether Search Engines Make Popular Sites More So
  • Smart Searching
  • Copyright Office Opens DMCA Anticircumvention Rulemaking Proceedings
  • Robots of Arabia
  • Papers Please
  • Interface Lift
  • Holding Pattern: The 2005 Salary Survey


    "Writing the Fastest Code, by Hand, for Fun: a Human Computer Keeps Speeding Up Chips"

    Kazushige Goto, a research associate at the University of Texas, has manually written code by himself that has outperformed automated programs written by large teams of programmers. His code, which incrementally resequences the instructions bound for microprocessors, powered seven of ...

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    "Computer R&D Rocks On"

    Computer science experts dismiss the assumption that computer research is antiquated and shrinking, arguing that major advances in both computing applications and architectures are on the horizon, even in the face of decreased U.S. government funding. University of Washington computer ...

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    "Cut IT Skills Shortage by Closing Gender Gap, Say Female IT Professionals"

    As female participation in the U.K. technology industry dropped from 27 percent to 21 percent from 1997 to 2004, a panel of several prominent female IT professionals cautioned the government and industry to overcome the gender gap to solve both the mounting IT worker shortage and the fear ...

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    "Probing Galaxies of Data for Nuggets"

    The recently founded CIA office known as the DNI Open Source Center hosts a publicly available site containing blogs on a host of intelligence topics. This office is the latest creation to arise from the formal recommendations issued by a string of commissions probing the intelligence failures leading ...

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    "Outsourcing to the Heartland"

    The lack of IT jobs for college graduates in rural America prompted Kathy Brittain White to start Rural Sourcing in 2003. The company has developed a strategy for outsourcing jobs to rural America at a time when more companies are showing an interest in tapping labor in non-urban locations ...

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    "Your Smiling Face"

    A team of German researchers has created a sophisticated software tool that enables a user to animate a face in an image almost automatically. The tool creates a three-dimensional model of the face based on the original image, alters it, and redraws it in a target image, with pose and ...

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    "Two UW-Madison Professors Named to National LambdaRail Networking Research Council"

    National LambdaRail (NLR) continues to shore up its policy platform as it acquires and puts its fiber-optic infrastructure to use. NLR has added two UW-Madison computer science professors to its Networking Researching Council, which handles policy matters on the research goals of the ...

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    "Renewed Warning of Bandwidth Hoarding"

    Recent moves by Congress to reform telecommunication laws have riled tech companies that see the revisions as nothing more than permission for network operators to hoard bandwidth and restrict Internet access. Earlier this month, Congress introduced legislation that removed the ban on ...

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    "Opposition Mounts to .Com Price Hike"

    Reaction has largely been negative to a proposed settlement to suits filed by VeriSign against ICANN that would let the former raise prices for .com domains by 7 percent a year beginning in January 2007 until 2012 under a new .com registry contract. If ICANN's board agrees and VeriSign follows ...

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    "Applications Are Outward-Bound"

    Today's development priorities for mobile applications are informed by future mobility issues, writes Peter Coffee. He says applications must satisfy a broad array of internal demands, namely smooth management of discontinuous connectivity and finite bandwidth; external demands, such as ...

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    "A Paper Questions Whether Search Engines Make Popular Sites More So"

    Search engines drive Internet surfers more to less popular Web sites than popular sites, according to new research from Santo Fortunato and his colleagues at Indiana University and Bielefeld University in Germany. The researchers have posted their paper on arXiv, which is a hub for physics ...

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    "Smart Searching"

    Extracting meaningful and relevant information from massive volumes of data is a tough job for defense intelligent analysts, who are turning to more guided and dynamic search tools and methods to sift through data more efficiently. The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) performs effective ...

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    "Copyright Office Opens DMCA Anticircumvention Rulemaking Proceedings"

    The Copyright Office of the Library of Congress will revisit the restrictions on circumventing access controls to determine if more exceptions are needed, as directed by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The DMCA mandates that the exceptions are to be reconsidered every ...

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    "Robots of Arabia"

    The creation of robot camel jockeys is seen as a significant achievement from both a technical and social perspective. The machines were developed in an attempt by Qatar's emir, Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, to win the respect of the developed world by eliminating the practice of using ...

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    "Papers Please"

    The Real ID Act, ostensibly passed as a terrorism deterrent in response to 9/11, has become a lightning rod for controversy amid accusations that the law really establishes a de facto national ID card. The legislation sets up federally mandated standards pertaining to the information on state ...

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    "Interface Lift"

    User interfaces are undergoing a major overhaul so that users can more efficiently manage a tidal wave of information stemming from steadily increasing computer power. There are three emergent interface varieties: Browser interfaces that allow users to easily transfer between computers; ...

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    "Holding Pattern: The 2005 Salary Survey"

    The eighth annual Software Development Salary and Job Satisfaction Survey shows a slight increase in salary levels--3 percent or lower, on average, compared to last year--while the mean age of software development professionals has risen from 39 in 2000 to 41 in 2005; additionally, the ...

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