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ACM TechNews - Monday, December 12, 2005

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ACM TechNews
December 12, 2005

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  • Browsers to Get Sturdier Padlocks
  • The Future of Custom HPC Application Development
  • Odd Coalition Opposes Criminalizing Patent Violations
  • ButterflyNet Software to Help Bring Scientists' Written Notes Into Digital Domain
  • French Open-Source Plan Draws Ire
  • Innovations Battle Natural Calamities
  • Live Tracking of Mobile Phones Prompts Court Fights on Privacy
  • BBN Technologies to Develop Open-Source Radio Software
  • Microsoft: Research, Intellectual Property Rights Are Compatible
  • Brave New World: Can We Engineer a Better Start for Freshers?
  • America's High-Tech Quandary
  • Felten to Lead New Center For IT Policy
  • Internet Scout Project Develops Better Tools for Online Research
  • ICANN Told to Clamp Down on Dodgy Domain Names
  • Quoted Often, Followed Rarely
  • Security's Shaky State
  • Envisioning a Transformed University


    "Browsers to Get Sturdier Padlocks"

    A group known as the CA Forum, comprised of a group of Web browser makers and companies responsible for the Secure Socket Layer (SSL), is working to create a "high assurance" certificate that would improve on the current padlocks whose security assurances have lost their meaning amid eroding ...

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    "The Future of Custom HPC Application Development"

    As the amount of data scientists are analyzing continues its exponential growth, simulation is steadily replacing physical testing and high-performance computing (HPC) is becoming an indispensable agent of cutting edge research. While high-performance computers grow steadily more ...

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    "Odd Coalition Opposes Criminalizing Patent Violations"

    An unlikely coalition of large corporations including Microsoft and Nokia and the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure has formed to lobby European lawmakers to abandon legislation that would punish patent violators with prison time, claiming that such a measure discourages the ...

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    "ButterflyNet Software to Help Bring Scientists' Written Notes Into Digital Domain"

    Laboratory scientists have remained stubbornly loyal to paper notebooks as their instrument for recording information, but Stanford researchers have developed a new software program, called ButterflyNet, to ease them into the digital age. ButterflyNet reproduces handwritten notes verbatim in a ...

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    "French Open-Source Plan Draws Ire"

    The French government is set to cast its first vote on new protections for intellectual property rights that have drawn fire from many developers who see the measures as tantamount to a ban on open source software. Prompted by a European Union order to impose greater regulation on digital commerce, ...

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    "Innovations Battle Natural Calamities"

    The scientific community is exploring several technology endeavors that could help to predict and moderate the effects of natural disasters, such as the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS), which incorporates weather data taken by 60 nations from sensors and satellites in an effort ...

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    "Live Tracking of Mobile Phones Prompts Court Fights on Privacy"

    Law enforcement officials can track the physical movements and location of suspects who use cell phones easily because cell phone technology communicates with signal towers and is easy to track. However, this practice is coming under increasing scrutiny as cell phones are viewed by ...

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    "BBN Technologies to Develop Open-Source Radio Software"

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has awarded a three-year, approximately $11 million contract to BBN Technologies to develop open-source software for radio as a way to achieve greater flexibility and reception. The open-source software will be used in software-defined ...

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    "Microsoft: Research, Intellectual Property Rights Are Compatible"

    Microsoft recently announced that it plans to increase its investment in research partnerships in Europe, where the company's work at their research center in Cambridge, England, resulted in at least 65 patents, says managing director Andrew Herbert. The center in Cambridge focuses on ...

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    "Brave New World: Can We Engineer a Better Start for Freshers?"

    The introduction of non-technical pursuits can help give beginning computer science students of diverse backgrounds and prior experience a better start in the university environment, which can augment student excellence as well as retention. Su White and Les Carr of the University of Southampton ...

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    "America's High-Tech Quandary"

    Engineering has lost much of its value as a career choice in the United States, and the nation must devise a way to keep pace with or overtake increasingly competitive and innovative Asian countries. China's emphasis on churning out record numbers of engineering graduates is a matter of ...

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    "Felten to Lead New Center For IT Policy"

    Princeton University's new Center for Information and Technology Policy, designed to bridge the gap between faculty and students from the engineering school and Wilson School of Public and International Affairs will open in 2008. Discussions during the engineering ...

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    "Internet Scout Project Develops Better Tools for Online Research"

    Mounting concerns over the ability to manage information as the Internet developed led to the formation of groups such as the Internet Scout Project, which was founded in 1994 to optimize techniques for searching and presenting online content, blending computer and library science techniques ...

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    "ICANN Told to Clamp Down on Dodgy Domain Names"

    A new study by the federal General Accountability Office (GAO) found that 2.31 million domain names, or 5.14 percent of all registrations, have been registered with contact information that was "obviously and intentionally false" and that another 1.6 million included incomplete information in one ...

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    "Quoted Often, Followed Rarely"

    In an interview with Fortune, Frederick Brooks says while technology managers widely quote his book, "The Mythical Man-Month," published in 1975, some have read it, but few actually follow it. Brooks, who chronicled his experience managing IBM's efforts involving System/360 ...

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    "Security's Shaky State"

    Undersized staffs and underfunded budgets limit the options for IT security professionals from what products they can purchase to what vendors they can use, concludes a recent survey by Secure Enterprise. Shortage of staff and small budgets have caused problems for many organizations, and many ...

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    "Envisioning a Transformed University"

    Universities must evolve in order to sustain the values and roles they embody in a world undergoing rapid and dramatic change as a result of political, social, and technological forces. Digital technology's ability to mimic human interaction at a distance and increasingly tech-savvy ...

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