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ACM TechNews - Friday, November 4, 2005

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ACM TechNews
November 4, 2005

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  • Cerf and Kahn Receive Presidential Medal of Freedom
  • Taking Measure of Supercomputer Architectures
  • Brazil's Bumpy Road to the Low-Cost PC
  • NASA Science, Technology to Be Showcased in Seattle
  • Group Suggests a 'Denationalization' of ICANN
  • New Web-Based Technology Draws Applications, Investors
  • MIT Wireless Network Tracks Info on Users
  • Building a Personalized Network of Digital Devices
  • Fatal Flaw Weakens RFID Passports
  • Europe Readies Next Stage of Embedded Software Research
  • OASIS Committee to Tackle Semantic Web Services
  • Teaching Tech to Girls Can Open Doors
  • Congress Divided on Broadcast Flag Plan
  • Sun Shines on Open Source DRM Development
  • E-Voting Grows Without Consensus
  • The Blue Hats
  • Battle for the Future of Mobile Broadband
  • Information Takes Shape
  • The Rise of the Body Bots


    "Cerf and Kahn Receive Presidential Medal of Freedom"

    Vinton G. Cerf and Robert E. Kahn, winners of ACM's 2004 A. M. Turing Award, are recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Nation's highest civil award, the White House announced today. Cerf and Kahn were awarded the Turing Award, considered the "Nobel Prize of Computing," for pioneering ...

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    "Taking Measure of Supercomputer Architectures"

    Researchers from Berkeley Lab's Computing Sciences branches are studying existing high-performance computers to determine the best architectures for the supercomputers of the future. At the top of the field currently are IBM's Blue Gene, Earth Simulator, and the Cray X1. The researchers are ...

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    "Brazil's Bumpy Road to the Low-Cost PC"

    For six years, Brazil has been looking to deliver an inexpensive computer to its multitude of impoverished citizens to reduce illiteracy, improve the economy, and bolster the country's emerging technology industry. The various initiatives, however, have met with bureaucratic red tape, ...

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    "NASA Science, Technology to Be Showcased in Seattle"

    ACM-sponsored International Conference of High Performance Computing, Networking, and Storage (SC05), to be held in Seattle this month, will be centered around the theme "Gateway to Discovery," and will draw representatives from throughout the technological world. The conference ...

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    "Group Suggests a 'Denationalization' of ICANN"

    The Internet Governance Project, a group of academics that includes Syracuse University's Milton Mueller and the Georgia Institute of Technology's Hans Klein, has released a report recommending the "denationalization" of ICANN, which would involve releasing the ...

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    "New Web-Based Technology Draws Applications, Investors"

    The new Web-based technology known as Ajax supports a host of applications that are enjoying increasing popularity from users and investors. One Ajax-based application, Meebo, allows anyone connected to the Internet to send instant messages through major providers such as AOL, Yahoo, and ...

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    "MIT Wireless Network Tracks Info on Users"

    A new online tracking system at MIT enables students to instantly view how many others are logged onto the network at any given spot across the entire campus of 9.4 million square feet, thus enabling a user to remotely observe how crowded a particular cafe or area of the library is. In the event that ...

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    "Building a Personalized Network of Digital Devices"

    The IST-funded program ePerSpace is seeking to deliver the long-promised integration that will bring every device we use into personalized and location-based harmony. Integrating a coffee maker, an alarm clock, and a cell phone and dispatching them on a common mission--say, to deliver a ...

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    "Fatal Flaw Weakens RFID Passports"

    As the State Department continues to press for implanting RFID chips in passports, it has attempted to assuage the concerns of privacy advocates with assurances that the tags are only meant to be read at close ranges. It originally overlooked the fact that while the intended range is only a ...

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    "Europe Readies Next Stage of Embedded Software Research"

    Europe is gearing up for its transition from ITEA by scheduling its first ITEA 2 Call for Projects for next year. ITEA 2 is a follow-up to the cooperative research and development program in software-intensive systems that Europe launched in 1999 and extended another eight years through Dec. ...

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    "OASIS Committee to Tackle Semantic Web Services"

    The Web standards group OASIS (the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) has decided to study ways to apply semantics and the Semantic Web to service-oriented systems rather than pursue the development of a specification at this time. OASIS has created ...

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    "Teaching Tech to Girls Can Open Doors"

    Enabling young girls to take apart computers in an environment that encourages exploration and not competition is the type of experience that could eventually lead more young women to pursue careers in science, engineering, and technology, according to a recent report by the American ...

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    "Congress Divided on Broadcast Flag Plan"

    Legislators' response to a congressional plan to bring back "broadcast flag" copy-prevention technology unveiled at a Nov. 3 hearing was divided between those who thought it was a good idea and those who regarded it as premature. Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.) cited concerns that the current ...

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    "Sun Shines on Open Source DRM Development"

    Sun Microsystems has unveiled an open source project that seeks to offer a DRM solution that is more friendly to digital content creators and users, although Sun is not necessarily looking to do away with DRM. At the Progress & Freedom Foundation's Aspen Summit, Sun touted its Open Media ...

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    "E-Voting Grows Without Consensus"

    A U.S. General Accounting Office report suggesting the U.S. Election Assistance Commission should establish security policies for electronic voting systems and an e-voting machine certification program has sparked complains from state and local election officials that they lack best ...

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    "The Blue Hats"

    Security experts who once laughed off Microsoft's IT security improvement efforts have had a change of heart as the company emerges as a model for the industry and a key proponent for secure development. Instrumental to the success of Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing initiative is the priority ...

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    "Battle for the Future of Mobile Broadband"

    WiMAX offers the potential to provide broadband Internet access to remote locations geographically distant from telephone exchanges. WiMAX technology can draw broadband access from several miles away though a small rooftop dish connected to a modem. Intel has put together a coalition ...

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    "Information Takes Shape"

    The mismatched progressions of the sheer volume of information available and our understanding of it have given rise to a new field of research, known as data exploration, which draws on information science, mathematics, and software design to create order out of expansive repositories of data. ...

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    "The Rise of the Body Bots"

    Asian and U.S. institutions are developing exoskeletons that integrate the strength and dexterity of machines with the decision-making skills of human beings. Most of the exoskeletons are designed to help injured or enfeebled people rehabilitate or become more mobile, while their augmented strength ...

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