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ACM TechNews
January 4, 2006

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  • Scientists Worry About Decreases in R&D Funding
  • H-1B Workers Earn Less Than American Counterparts, Report Says
  • Information, Please
  • Robot Cameras in the Wild
  • Semantic Descriptors to Help the Hunt for Music
  • RSA CEO Sees Lack of Leadership in U.S. Cybersecurity Efforts
  • The Top 10 Tech Trends
  • IBM Laboratory Glimpses the Future
  • Voting 2.0
  • Dr. Todd A. Kuiken: Bionic Sensation
  • A Sight for Sore Thumbs?
  • Unselfish Technologists
  • In Search of Swarm Creativity
  • Will E-Votes Be Counted?
  • CSI: The Net
  • Talk to Your Semantic Web
  • Ambient Findability: Libraries at the Crossroads of Ubiquitous Computing and the Internet


    "Scientists Worry About Decreases in R&D Funding"

    Scientists are concerned that many university projects will have to be cut back as a result of the 2006 federal budget for research and development, which pledges most funding increases to defense and space projects, while other areas remain flat or will be cut back. The Bush administration...

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    "H-1B Workers Earn Less Than American Counterparts, Report Says"

    IT workers in the U.S. on H-1B visas earn $13,000 less than American workers, despite a law requiring that they be paid prevailing wages, concludes a new study from the Center for Immigration Studies that compared data from the Labor Department and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The...

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    "Information, Please"

    Last month's revelation that the National Security Agency had been conducting warrantless spying on domestic phone calls re-ignited a long-simmering debate over the amount of privacy to which Americans are entitled. The truth is that the increasing sophistication of computers and...

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    "Robot Cameras in the Wild"

    University of California, Berkeley, robotics professor Ken Goldberg has developed a technology known as the Collaborative Observatories for Natural Environments (CONE) to help study the habits of animals in the wild. To test the concept, Yosemite National Park will install a telerobotic...

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    "Semantic Descriptors to Help the Hunt for Music"

    The IST-funded SIMAC project is developing a system for the retrieval of music based on the semantics of its content, such as rhythm, harmony, and instrumentation, so that users can find music with similar properties to a favorite song or album. The SIMAC project aims to help users find music by...

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    "RSA CEO Sees Lack of Leadership in U.S. Cybersecurity Efforts"

    In a recent interview, RSA Security CEO Art Coviello took the government to task for its failure to implement its own cyber security strategy. Dick Clarke, the former White House counterterrorism chief, developed a cyber security blueprint immediately before he left office in early 2003, though...

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    "The Top 10 Tech Trends"

    While technology trends are notoriously difficult to predict, a recent panel of experts identified 10 directions in which the technology industry is likely to move. Small computer chips are appearing that can customize a product to an individual's preferences, heralding an end to the...

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    "IBM Laboratory Glimpses the Future"

    With a stable of more than 250 scientists from around the world, IBM's European research center in Ruschlikon, Switzerland, is home to some of the world's most advanced computing research, such as a recent partnership with Lausanne's Federal Institute of Technology, where IBM scientists will apply...

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    "Voting 2.0"

    Analysts have determined that the insecurity and unreliability of electronic voting systems presents opportunities for election rigging, and efforts to incorporate safeguards into e-voting via federal legislation have ground to a halt. A lack of support on Capitol Hill for proposed laws...

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    "Dr. Todd A. Kuiken: Bionic Sensation"

    Bionic humans such as Colonel Steve Austin on the TV show "The Six Million Dollar Man" might become a reality one day, says Dr. Todd A. Kuiken, a department director at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago and an associate professor at Northwestern University. Kuiken has developed the...

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    "A Sight for Sore Thumbs?"

    Researchers are not convinced that the "predictive" function and "multi-tap" method are the best ways to enter text into a mobile device. While the predictive function often makes a wrong guess and multi-tap requires a lot of clicking, researchers are seeking to address these issues ...

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    "Unselfish Technologists"

    Altruism is fueling the innovation efforts of entrepreneurs focusing on major social challenges such as poverty and disease. Kenyan-born Robert Maranga, whose family was kept from falling below the poverty line by micro-credit institutions, is working to return the favor by developing ...

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    "In Search of Swarm Creativity"

    Peter Gloor's fifth book, "Swarm Creativity: Competitive Advantage Through Collaborative Innovation," discusses the role swarm creativity plays as the driving mechanism behind Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs). Gloor refers to himself as a "swarm instigator," and defines a COIN as a

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    "Will E-Votes Be Counted?"

    The Government Accountability Office does not expect the electronic voting guidelines, which the United States Election Assistance Commission (EAC) is working on, to have much of an impact in 2006. The EAC is considering initiatives such as establishing security and reliability standards, and ...

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    "CSI: The Net"

    In a clear sign that cyber attacks are no longer the province of bespectacled geeks trying to make a name for themselves, every type of Internet-based criminal activity has increased in both frequency and severity over the last decade, writes author Bruce Sterling. New types of ...

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    "Talk to Your Semantic Web"

    It is a formidable challenge to communicate with computers via natural language, and the authors present the LingoLogic interface technology as a tool for extending the Semantic Web. LingoLogic is designed to address the habitability problem--the mismatch between user expectations and natural

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    "Ambient Findability: Libraries at the Crossroads of Ubiquitous Computing and the Internet"

    Semantic Studios President Peter Morville believes a library, or rather a large collection of libraries, will form the center of a world of "ambient findability" where anybody can find any item at anytime from any location, no matter if the sought after item as well as the libraries are physical,

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