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ACM TechNews - Friday, May 13, 2005

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ACM TechNews
May 13, 2005

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  • Tech Leaders Call for More Government IT Research
  • W3C Plots Better Browsing for PDAs
  • National ID Battle Continues
  • Open-Source Divorce for Apple's Safari?
  • SIGGRAPH 2005 Selects 98 Outstanding Papers From 461 Submissions
  • Breaking Into the Boys' Club
  • Aging U.S. Challenges Tech R&D
  • Gamers to Rule Their Own Virtual Worlds
  • Shared Computing Grid Cuts Data Mountains Down to Size
  • Linux Powering UCF/DARPA Grand Challenge Vehicle
  • Go Forth and Multiply, Little Bot
  • India Eyes Own Open-Source License
  • Interdisciplinary Move in Research
  • Developing With Open Source Tools
  • Opposing Views: The Debate Over the H-1B Visa Program
  • High-Tech Vision
  • Service-Oriented Science
  • I Attended This Hacker Conference and All I Got Was All the Data on Your Hard Drive
  • Research in Development


    "Tech Leaders Call for More Government IT Research"

    Despite claims from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) that computer science R&D spending has increased, House Science Committee Chairman Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (R-N.Y.) declared at a May 12 hearing that ...

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    "W3C Plots Better Browsing for PDAs"

    The World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Mobile Web Initiative (MWI), launched on May 11 under the supervision of W3C director Tim Berners-Lee, aims to improve the Web browsing capability of mobile devices, which has been hampered by a dearth of interoperability, technology, and standards. The ...

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    "National ID Battle Continues"

    Despite the Senate's unanimous passage of the Real ID Act on May 10, citizens, government organizations, and even congressmen who signed off on the measure are gearing up to protest provisions authorizing the creation of a standardized national driver's license. In addition, several states ...

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    "Open-Source Divorce for Apple's Safari?"

    A leading Apple browser developer has suggested abandoning the KHTML open source rendering engine for the Safari Web browser, confirming the de facto divorce between the KHTML developer community and Apple, once seen as a white knight for the project. In an email dated May 5 and sent to KHTML ...

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    "SIGGRAPH 2005 Selects 98 Outstanding Papers From 461 Submissions"

    Ninety-eight papers out of 461 submissions will be presented at SIGGRAPH 2005, and SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers Chair Markus Gross from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology says the high number of accepted papers "clearly demonstrates the large body of excellent research in computer graphics." ...

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    "Breaking Into the Boys' Club"

    Far more men than women receive degrees in science and engineering, raising concerns of a disparity between opportunities for men and women in the science fields. "Equal opportunity in math and science will benefit not just the women who enter the professions, but all Americans through our ...

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    "Aging U.S. Challenges Tech R&D"

    Tech companies are beginning to recognize the potential rewards they stand to reap from the aging baby boomer population, a segment whose needs were largely ignored until recently. "Because there is now a significant number of older adults using the technology, and in a position to buy products, ...

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    "Gamers to Rule Their Own Virtual Worlds"

    Users of massive multiplayer online role-playing games must link to a centralized server owned and maintained by the game company, but researchers at France Telecom believe allowing players to store portions of virtual worlds on their own computers via peer-to-peer (P2P) networking ...

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    "Shared Computing Grid Cuts Data Mountains Down to Size"

    The Grid Laboratory of Wisconsin (GLOW) aids in processing the reams of data generated by University of Wisconsin-Madison projects that range from cancer research to chemical engineering to the simulation of high-energy particle accelerator experiments. GLOW taps the unused processing cycles ...

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    "Linux Powering UCF/DARPA Grand Challenge Vehicle"

    Linux software plays a key role in the University of Central Florida's (UCF) entry for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) Grand Challenge, a 140-mile to 160-mile race between autonomous, self-navigating vehicles in the Southwest United States slated for October ...

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    "Go Forth and Multiply, Little Bot"

    Scientists at Cornell University's Computational Synthesis Lab claim to have built a robot that can replicate itself. The machine consists of four modules outfitted with microprocessors, sensors, and electromagnets that are stacked on a metal plate; the robot is capable of bending, ...

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    "India Eyes Own Open-Source License"

    Indian Institute of Technology professor Deepak Phatak wants to develop an open-source license that allows developers to share ideas while preserving their rights to their own software alterations. Phatak hopes his Knowledge Public License program will help facilitate a reconciliation between the ...

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    "Interdisciplinary Move in Research"

    Today's science students need to be prepared for a interdisciplinary future where breakthrough solutions emerge at the intersections of biology, chemistry, environmental science, computer science, and other fields. In the medical and biological sciences fields, computers are needed to make ...

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    "Developing With Open Source Tools"

    Open source development tools provide a strong alternative to proprietary products because of their low cost, ease of use, wide developer base, and opportunity for customization. The so-called LAMP platform consists of Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl, and Python; these technologies are ...

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    "Opposing Views: The Debate Over the H-1B Visa Program"

    Responding to pressure from IT industry leaders, Congress agreed to raise the H-1B program's cap by an additional 20,000 visas. H-1B advocates argue that a looming scarcity of domestic IT talent and declining enrollment in college and university IT programs necessitates the country bringing in ...

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    "High-Tech Vision"

    South Florida coasts are being monitored by intelligent monitoring systems developed by the Department of Homeland Security's Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA). The $8 million, 24-month Hawkeye program is meant to test Automated Scene Understanding (ASU) ...

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    "Service-Oriented Science"

    Service-oriented science enabled by distributed networks of compatible services could potentially boost scientific productivity on both an individual and collective level by making powerful information tools universally available to facilitate widespread automation of data analysis ...

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    "I Attended This Hacker Conference and All I Got Was All the Data on Your Hard Drive"

    The Def Con hacking event is notorious for drawing malicious "black hat" hackers as well as "white hat" hackers-turned-security-consultants, who participate in contests to find vulnerabilities in networks and wreak mischief in cyberspace that have real-world applications with potentially ...

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    "Research in Development"

    IBM Research director Paul Horn believes a new perception of research is necessary as IBM makes the transition from a product-oriented to a services-oriented company. Services are expected to account for roughly two-thirds of IBM's annual revenues now that the company has shed its PC

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