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ACM TechNews - Wednesday, January 26, 2005

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ACM TechNews
January 26, 2005

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  • Computer Scientists Identify Future IT Challenges
  • Digital Updates for Passports Hit Glitches
  • It Makes Sense to Communicate With Computers
  • W3C Issues Key Web Services Standards
  • Information Wants to Be Liquid
  • NSA Looks to Informatics to Connect Dots
  • Internet Pioneer Cerf Brushes Up on Need for Better Cyberhygiene
  • How Legislation, Lawsuits Are Shaping Technology's Future
  • Games That Make Leaders: Top Researchers on the Rise of Play in Business and Education
  • Bush Didn't Invent the Internet, But Is He Good for Tech?
  • Complex Systems, Complex Science: Meeting of Minds
  • Is Today 23/01/2005, or 01/23/2005, or 2005/01/23?
  • Panel Urges Government to Increase Spending on the Study of Cybersecurity
  • An Award-Winning Project: Making the Visually Impaired Read Text Messages
  • The New Idea Labs
  • Q&A: Marla Ozarowski
  • Linux Inc.
  • Knowledge Management--Past and Future
  • Life, Reinvented


    Computer Scientists Identify Future IT Challenges

    The British Computer Society (BCS) issued a report on Tuesday detailing seven "grand challenges" proposed to influence future IT research. One of the challenges is the development of dependable computing systems, which could involve the construction of a verifying compiler to automatically ...

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    Digital Updates for Passports Hit Glitches

    The United States and other countries implementing new biometric identification features in passports are facing serious technological hurdles, not to mention the trouble of coordinating standards and policies for the technology. International governments want tough identification ...

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    It Makes Sense to Communicate With Computers

    Paving the way for future research into Multilingual and Multisensorial Communication (MMC) was the goal of IST's two-year PF-STAR project, which concluded in September 2004. PF-STAR coordinator Fabio Pianesi of Italy's Istituto Trentino di Cultura describes MMC as a technology designed to make ...

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    W3C Issues Key Web Services Standards

    The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) on Jan. 25 released a trio of new standards--XML-binary Optimized Packaging (XOP), SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM), and Resource Representation SOAP Header Block (RRSHB)--designed to improve Web services performance by easing the ...

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    Information Wants to Be Liquid

    University College London researcher Frode Hegland is the brains behind Liquid Information, a project to make each word in a Web document a potential hyperlink that can refer to multiple destinations as well as pull up a diverse array of background context from all over the Web. The home ...

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    NSA Looks to Informatics to Connect Dots

    National Security Agency (NSA) research director Eric Haseltine recently told the Technology Council of Anne Arundel County, Md., that current commercial intelligence software cannot sufficiently mine the massive volumes of data the agency accumulates to generate "actionable knowledge," ...

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    Internet Pioneer Cerf Brushes Up on Need for Better Cyberhygiene

    The Internet needs daily maintenance as it matures, such as PC users regularly updating their software protections and network administrators checking for internal threats, says TCP/IP co-author Vinton Cerf. He coined the term "cyberhygiene" as a metaphor to describe how computer users ...

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    How Legislation, Lawsuits Are Shaping Technology's Future

    Consumer electronics manufacturers and technology companies are nervously anticipating the Supreme Court's ruling in the case of MGM vs. Grokster, as the future of technological innovation may hang in the balance. The lawsuit, which 28 entertainment companies brought against file-trading ...

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    Games That Make Leaders: Top Researchers on the Rise of Play in Business and Education

    Video games are increasingly finding use as skills-building tools for professionals and leaders, as demonstrated recently by a trio of University of Wisconsin-Madison professors. The professors, who work with UW-Madison's Academic Advanced Distributed Learning Co-Laboratory, study ...

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    Bush Didn't Invent the Internet, But Is He Good for Tech?

    President Bush's first term of office was marked by significant technological progress resulting from public-sector and private-sector collaboration, which is widely accepted to be a key driver of U.S. innovation. U.S. tech companies are thriving even more than their European ...

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    Complex Systems, Complex Science: Meeting of Minds

    Complex system experts plan to publish a roadmap document that identifies and focuses on future complex system research and funding opportunities before the IST-funded EXYSTENCE Network of Excellence for Complex Systems initiative wraps up this year. Complexity science, a relatively new ...

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    Is Today 23/01/2005, or 01/23/2005, or 2005/01/23?

    Creating a standard for numeric dating is problematic as different dating systems are used on forms and computer programs throughout the world. The English" or American format follows one format, while the "French" format is slightly different. Although Europeans and most of world besides the ...

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    Panel Urges Government to Increase Spending on the Study of Cybersecurity

    A report from the President's Information Technology Advisory Committee finds cybersecurity protection for the nation's critical infrastructure networks to be seriously lacking, and recommends that the federal government commit more funding to cybersecurity research as well as ...

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    An Award-Winning Project: Making the Visually Impaired Read Text Messages

    A quartet of electronics and communications engineering students at De La Salle University in Manila have developed a mobile phone application that allows visually impaired users to read text messages, which earned the group second prize in the collegiate level of the Sibol Award in the ...

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    The New Idea Labs

    U.S. corporations are increasingly outsourcing their research and development operations overseas to India and China, but some experts worry that this shift could siphon innovation away from the United States in the future. Overseas R&D operations are another step away from the old Bell ...

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    Q&A: Marla Ozarowski

    The most active program in the nonprofit Women in Technology organization is Girls in Technology, an initiative chaired by Marla Ozarowski that supports academic and community efforts to get girls interested in technology- and computer-related learning. Ozarowski notes in an interview ...

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    Linux Inc.

    The Linux open-source software community has matured into an efficient, meritocratic organization that both independent and commercial parties contribute to, and whose products have begun to steal thunder from Microsoft's proprietary Windows operating system. Microsoft has been so ...

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    Knowledge Management--Past and Future

    Ovum VP Adam Pelz-Sharpe and principal analyst Christopher Harris-Jones anticipate a resurgence of knowledge management (KM) in the workplace over the next year and a half, although the practice is expected to be re-classified as "information management." The authors foresee little ...

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    Life, Reinvented

    The field of synthetic biology was spawned from the efforts of MIT engineers to model the biological world, and notable MIT projects in this field include counters fabricated from DNA and embedded in bacteria, bacteria programmed to generate polka-dotted colonies, and blinking ...

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