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ACM TechNews - Friday, January 9, 2004

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ACM TechNews
Volume 6, Number 592
Date: January 9, 2004

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Top Stories for Friday, January 9, 2004:

"U.S. Could Lose Technology Dominance, Executives Say"
"MCNC Develops New Protocol, Device for Optical, Grid Networking"
"NASA's IT Success"
"At Tech Trade Show, Devices Don't Speak Same Language"
"New UCI Center Promotes Diversity in Technology Fields"
"Let There Be L.E.D.'s"
"Internet Cleans Its Own House"
"Next Digital Screen Could Fold Like Paper"
"Lord of the Nano-Rings May Hold Key to I.T."
"A Virtual Cash Register Rings Up Tiny Transactions"
"UI 'Sitting on a Breakthrough'"
"Instrumenting the Enterprise"
"CITRIS Q&A: Interview With Bernd Hamann"
"SmartAdvice: IT Generalist Background Gives an Edge"
"EMMA: W3C's Extended Multimodal Annotation Markup Language"
"Raise You 50..."
"IT Agenda 2004"
"Software and the City"
"It's in the Algorithms"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"U.S. Could Lose Technology Dominance, Executives Say"
The United States' leadership position in the knowledge economy is
threatened by expanding tech efforts in India, Russia, China, and
elsewhere; the U.S. technology infrastructure must be shored up with more
federal funding for research and development, financial incentives for ...

"MCNC Develops New Protocol, Device for Optical, Grid Networking"
North Carolina State University professors and the nonprofit
Microelectronics Center of North Carolina (MCNC) have created a new
networking protocol and accompanying appliance enabling on-demand
provisioning of bandwidth.  The JITPAC project is useful for real-time ...

"NASA's IT Success"
The successful landing and operation of NASA's robotic exploration rover on
Mars is a confidence booster for CIOs struggling with business technology,
since the complexity involved in transmitting and receiving massive amounts
of data between Earth and Mars has many parallels in the business world.

"At Tech Trade Show, Devices Don't Speak Same Language"
Device incompatibility was a running theme at this week's International
Consumer Electronics Show, despite companies flaunting new products that
promise a universal interface for computers, home entertainment systems,
and the Internet.  Yet businesses are forging ahead with the rollout of ...

"New UCI Center Promotes Diversity in Technology Fields"
The Ada Byron Research Center (ABRC) at UC Irvine's School of Information
and Computer Science is dedicated to the study of diversity in technology
fields, with an emphasis on boosting the recruitment and retention of
women, Latinos, African Americans, and other minorities in IT through ...

"Let There Be L.E.D.'s"
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are being touted as a more power-efficient
substitute for incandescent light bulbs, though the technology is not
without its disadvantages, cost being one of the biggest.  Other pluses of
LEDs in addition to efficiency include more longevity and less heat output

"Internet Cleans Its Own House"
Larry Downes of the University of California, Berkeley's School of
Information Management and Systems thinks it is far more effective to let
the Internet community solve spam, privacy infringement, and other problems
plaguing the Web than leaving it to government regulation.  This is because

"Next Digital Screen Could Fold Like Paper"
Flexible display technology is on the horizon, with "smart" papers and
super-thin glass displays expected to debut this year; planned further down
the line are wearable display technologies such as clothes that change
color, automatic camouflage systems for soldiers, reusable paper, and ...

"Lord of the Nano-Rings May Hold Key to I.T."
Purdue University researchers believe it is theoretically possible to
develop nonvolatile memory based on self-assembling cobalt "nano-rings"
capable of storing data at room temperature.  Purdue chemist Alexander Wei
describes the rings as "essentially tiny magnets with a north and south ...

"A Virtual Cash Register Rings Up Tiny Transactions"
Electronic micropayment systems may get a shot in the arm with the
emergence of new technology.  MIT researchers Ronald L. Rivest and Silvio
Micali founded Peppercoin, a company offering software designed to cut
online merchants' transaction costs by employing sophisticated encryption

"UI 'Sitting on a Breakthrough'"
Light-speed computing and electronic communications are some of the
potential applications of a new light-emitting transistor suggested by
University of Illinois professor Nick Holonyak.  The transistor was
developed by UI researchers working at laboratories headed by Holonyak and

"Instrumenting the Enterprise"
Dan Farber writes that the instrumentation of IT--in which the behavior of
IT infrastructure "instruments" is monitored and managed at multiple levels
across the extended enterprise--will be a critical theme in 2004.  The goal
of instrumentation is to incorporate, or architect, rules of acceptable ...

"CITRIS Q&A: Interview With Bernd Hamann"
Bernd Hamann, co-director of UC Davis' Center for Image Processing and
Integrated Computing (CIPIC), has developed data visualization techniques
that have helped researchers obtain new insights about external phenomena
and human biology.  He says the goal of CIPIC is to pioneer visualization

"SmartAdvice: IT Generalist Background Gives an Edge"
The Advisory Council (TAC) Thought Leader Beth Cohen sympathizes with an IT
manager who works at a small company and feels overwhelmed by work and
underappreciated by the management; she comments that this feeling is
common to many IT generalists, but adds that their wide range of skills ...

"EMMA: W3C's Extended Multimodal Annotation Markup Language"
The W3C Multimodal Working Group recently released an important first draft
of its Extended MultiModal Annotation markup language (EMMA) that will
allow different multimodal computer input systems to work synchronously.  A
standard EMMA language generator included in speech recognition, ...

"Raise You 50..."
Poker is thought by many to be a game that computer programs cannot
possibly win against seasoned opponents, given all the psychological,
instinctual, and mathematical factors that come into play.  Nevertheless,
researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton are working on ...

"IT Agenda 2004"
Premier 100 IT leaders say they will be taking a great interest in how
wireless, business intelligence, Web services, and grid computing pan out
in the coming year.  Wireless technology is a sensible choice for
organizations where mobility is a key component:  Dominion Resources, for

"Software and the City"
The most advanced city modeling and simulation software currently in
existence is UrbanSim, developed by researchers at the University of
Washington in Seattle.  The software's developers created UrbanSim to
address some of the uncertainties and complexities that other urban ...

"It's in the Algorithms"
Research projects to develop more intuitive search algorithms could offer
more personalized alternatives to the "group consensus" algorithms
supporting Google's search engine.  Kaltix's technology apparently aims to
recalculate search results on a per-user basis by accelerating the ...


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