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ACM TechNews - Wednesday, September 24, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 549
Date: September 24, 2003

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Top Stories for Wednesday, September 24, 2003:

"Davis Signs Bill to Ban Online Spam"
"New ISO Fees On the Horizon?"
"Supercomputer Goes Online"
"Tech Pros Get to Know Their Enemy"
"Cyber Threat"
"Putting Your Calls Into Context"
"Will You Love Your PC More When It's 64?"
"Is Life the Key to New Tech?"
"UC Institute Helping Solve Society's Problems"
"Berners-Lee Talks Up Semantic Web"
"Britain's "Cyborg Scientist" Spreads Cyber-gospel"
"Termites Inspire Paper Pusher"
"UMass Students Take First Place in Computer Science Competition"
"NASA, Information Technology and the Future of Collaboration"
"MIT Everyware"
"Computers Learn New ABCs"
"Built-In Spam"
"The Man Who Mistook His Girlfriend for a Robot"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Davis Signs Bill to Ban Online Spam"
California Gov. Gray Davis signed Sen. Kevin Murray's (D-Calif.)
anti-spam legislation into law Sept. 23, thus criminalizing the
sending of unsolicited commercial email to Californians and
allowing state Attorney General Bill Lockyer, ISPs, and ...

"New ISO Fees On the Horizon?"
Information technology standards groups are worried about a fee
proposal at the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO), the world's largest standards group governing some 13,000
standards worldwide.  At stake are simple international standards ...

"Supercomputer Goes Online"
The Virginia Tech supercomputing cluster, which consists of 1,100
Apple G5 machines housing 4.4 TB of memory, goes online Sept. 24,
meeting its target of starting operations by Oct. 1.  Terascale
Computing Facility director Srinidhi Varadarajan, who believes ...

"Tech Pros Get to Know Their Enemy"
The Intense School is where "white hat" or ethical hackers take a
five-day crash course on hacking techniques in order to shore up
their own networks against worms, viruses, and other
cyberthreats.  The need for better security among high-tech ...

"Cyber Threat"
Computer attacks could very well become a part of the arsenal of
terrorists, some security experts believe.  The Northeast power
blackout was the latest cause of concern that terrorist will turn
to computers to target nuclear plants, 911 systems, train ...

"Putting Your Calls Into Context"
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University's Institute of
Technology (CIT) have devised SenSay, a context-aware cell-phone
technology that keeps track of sent emails, phone calls, and the
user's location while employing sensors to analyze the ...

"Will You Love Your PC More When It's 64?"
The move to 64-bit PCs likely will be gradual, as software and PC
architectures struggle to keep pace with rapidly advancing chip
technology, but the performance advantages 64-bit chips offer is
expected to attract new buyers.  Intel argues that Advanced Micro ...

"Is Life the Key to New Tech?"
Researchers are looking to DNA, the building blocks of life, for
the basis of next-generation computing.  Potentially, DNA
computing would allow for trillions of calculations at once,
according to University College London's Peter Bentley.  Recent ...

"UC Institute Helping Solve Society's Problems"
A collection of four University of California campuses won $100
million in special funding from the state of California three
years ago to establish the Center for Information Technology
Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS), and has since ...

"Berners-Lee Talks Up Semantic Web"
Internet pioneer and World Wide Web Consortium director Tim
Berners-Lee explained his vision of the Semantic Web to Britain's
Royal Society on Sept. 22.  The concept is to enable humans and
machines to more fully use data by expanding that data's meaning ...

"Britain's "Cyborg Scientist" Spreads Cyber-gospel"
British cyber-evangelist Kevin Warwick is on a government-funded
tour around Asia to promote robotics education at all grade
levels.  Warwick recently enthralled a gathering of 300 students
in Singapore with his collection of robots and video clips of his ...

"Termites Inspire Paper Pusher"
Software and device engineers are looking to simple, but powerful
systems found in nature for inspiration.  Palo Alto Research
Center (PARC), Bell Laboratories, and IBM Research are all
pursuing "biomimetics."  PARC scientists are trying to mimic the ...

"UMass Students Take First Place in Computer Science Competition"
A group of University of Massachusetts (UMass) computer science
graduate students won first place in a data mining competition
held by the ACM's Special Interest Group on Knowledge
Discovery in Data and Data Mining (ACMSIGKDD). ...

"NASA, Information Technology and the Future of Collaboration"
NASA's recent troubles have an important impact on its use of
technology, even though criticism of NASA's shuttle program did
not fault IT directly.  The Apollo moon mission is said to have
required less computing power than an average PC today, and ...

"MIT Everyware"
Starting in September, people with the appropriate Internet
connection will be able to access material from 500 MIT courses
through the university's OpenCourseWare program, with an
additional 1,500 courses to be posted online over the next three ...

"Computers Learn New ABCs"
Linguists at the University of California's Berkeley campus are
working to encode almost 100 more scripts in the Unicode
standard, which allows computers to render, process, and send
textual data in specific languages.  The project "is an effort to ...

"Built-In Spam"
The Internet has become a beehive of commercial advertising with
the rampant proliferation of spam, pop-ups, and promotional
content, while normal software applications are an ad-free center
of tranquility in comparison.  However, applications have started ...

"The Man Who Mistook His Girlfriend for a Robot"
K-Bot, the brainchild of University of Texas at Dallas grad
student David Hanson, stands out from other high-profile robot
projects because it strives for an unprecedented degree of
realism:  It is a mechanized head with realistic, flesh-toned ...


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