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ACM TechNews - Monday, August 25, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 537
Date: August 25, 2003

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Top Stories for Monday, August 25, 2003:

"The Aftermath of Cyberattacks"
"Net Analysis Gets Turbo Boost"
"Could Spam One Day End Up Crushed Under Its Own Weight?"
"Rugged Computing: The Consumer Trajectory"
"Female MIT Grads Make Mark on Field"
"A Summer of High-Tech Discontent"
"Computer Program That Analyzed Shuttle Damage Was Misused,
 Engineer Says"
"Ground-breaking Research to Develop 'Conscious' Robot"
"Rise of the Machines"
"Tool Blazes Virtual Trails"
"Darpa Head Expresses Skepticism About Quantum Computing"
"Open Source Does Not Mean Open Doors"
"Robot Spy Can Survive Battlefield Damage"
"Is the Internet Dying?"
"New Spin for Electronics"
"Spam Wars"
"State of Speech Standards"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"The Aftermath of Cyberattacks"
Before the Blaster worm gained widespread notoriety, the Homeland
Security Department issued a two-page note advising ISPs to shut
off access to three server ports:  Cox Communications, AT&T
Broadband, and other ISPs heeded the warning and shut down those ...

"Net Analysis Gets Turbo Boost"
A team of Georgia Institute of Technology researchers has devised
a technique to simulate computer networks that is faster than any
other simulators currently in use, and plans to boost network
security with the tools.  "What we hope to provide is an enabling ...

"Could Spam One Day End Up Crushed Under Its Own Weight?"
Dennis K. Berman offers a ray of hope to people frustrated and
demoralized by the spread of spam:  Spamming could eventually
burn itself out by becoming a victim of its own proliferation, he
muses.  Thousands of people are becoming spammers because ...

"Rugged Computing: The Consumer Trajectory"
The ruggedization of electronics equipment is becoming essential
as engineers, developers, and designers are being put into
fieldwork situations that emphasize remoteness and rough
environmental factors.  Most rugged-computing devices are ...

"Female MIT Grads Make Mark on Field"
Three female MIT graduates who were profiled in the New York
Times 10 years ago as women who might make a significant impact
on the computer industry still support the idea that women should
have as large a role in technology as men, although they have ...

"A Summer of High-Tech Discontent"
The summer months have been a busy, often frustrating time for IT
staff as wave after wave of computer worms--Sobig.E, Blaster,
Welchia, and the latest and most virulent worm, Sobig.F--struck
at networks, clogging them with email and slowing down ...

"Computer Program That Analyzed Shuttle Damage Was Misused,
 Engineer Says"
The engineer behind the computer program used to estimate damage
to the shuttle Columbia's wing said that the analysis tool known
as Crater was grossly misused, thus causing it to underestimate
the potential damage from a piece of broken foam.  While the ...

"Ground-breaking Research to Develop 'Conscious' Robot"
Researchers at the Universities of Bristol and Essex will soon
initiate a three-year project that marries computer science and
neuropsychology in an effort to devise a "conscious" robot that
will advance intelligent machine technology and shed new light on ...

"Rise of the Machines"
In his book, "The Human Edge," Richard Samson argues that an
electronics revolution is on the horizon, one in which machines
will supplant humans in knowledge-based jobs.  To avoid the mass
displacement he sees as the inevitable result, Samson advises ...

"Tool Blazes Virtual Trails"
A new virtual prototyping tool helps users keep their bearings
when navigating the computer aided design (CAD) representation of
ships, airplanes, or buildings.  Developed at the University of
North Carolina, the system uses algorithms and a graph map to ...

"Darpa Head Expresses Skepticism About Quantum Computing"
Robert Leheny, director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency's (DARPA) Microsystems Technology Office, delivered a
keynote speech at the Hot Chips conference in Palo Alto, Calif.,
that detailed the potential of--and potential barriers to--future ...

"Open Source Does Not Mean Open Doors"
Open source software is often more secure than proprietary
software as evidenced by the Apache Web server and other
anecdotal proofs, said advocate Peter Harrison at the IT Security
2003 conference in New Zealand.  The Interbase database ...

"Robot Spy Can Survive Battlefield Damage"
Peter Bentley and Siavash Haroun Mahdavi of University College
London have developed a self-healing snake-like robot as a
possible military reconnaissance tool.  The snakebot consists of
modular vertebral units, each containing three independent ...

"Is the Internet Dying?"
Karl Auerbach writes how some evidence suggests the impending
death of the Internet in its current form, citing the expanding
amount of background packet radiation that the Internet must
manage from viruses, spam, and bad code.  Auerbach comments, "I ...

"New Spin for Electronics"
Computing in the future may rely on an electron's spin in
addition to its charge.  Called giant magneto-resistance by IBM,
the spintronic effect has enabled disk storage capacities to
increase by a factor of 100 in the last five years.  Researchers ...

"Spam Wars"
The Internet is plagued with over 13 billion spam emails each
day, and Ferris Research estimates that spam will add up to $10
billion in lost U.S. productivity this year, while Microsoft
Research analyst David Heckerman predicts that spam could account ...

"State of Speech Standards"
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF), and the European Telecommunications Standards
Institute (ETSI) are developing standards for speech systems,
which consist of a cell phone, telephone, or other user device; a ...


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