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ACM TechNews - Wednesday, February 19, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 459
Date: February 19, 2003

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Top Stories for Wednesday, February 19, 2003:

"Bill Would Ban Spam E-Mail in California"
"Diversity in the High-Tech Workplace"
"Drive Resumes for Standard Software License"
"Cyber-Security Strategy Depends on Power of Suggestion"
"Digital Vaccine May Make Computer Networks Tolerant to a Fault"
"'Selfish Routing' Slows the Internet"
"Word 'Bursts' May Reveal Online Trends"
"Commerce Proposes IT Policy Restructuring"
"Faster Video for Wireless Devices?"
"Tracking the Killer Worm"
"Disk-Drive Capacity Continues to Grow"
"Robots Are Getting More Sociable"
"Conversation With Marc Andreessen"
"U.S. Backs Merging Net, Phone Numbers"
"High Impact"
"Survival Guide: Perspectives From the Field"
"Supercomputing Resurrected"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Bill Would Ban Spam E-Mail in California"
California Sen. Debra Bowen (D-Marina del Ray) has authored a
bill that would make it illegal to send spam email from
California or to a California-based email address, a crime
punishable by a maximum fine of $500.  However, experts such as ...

"Diversity in the High-Tech Workplace"
The workforces of the 10 highest-grossing high-tech companies in
Silicon Valley have grown in diversity, but the emphasis is on
Asians rather than other minorities, while executive levels
remain predominantly white.  About one in three jobs created ...

"Drive Resumes for Standard Software License"
The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
(NCCUSL) is set to renew its drive to get standard software
licenses established in all states.  The group of lawyers,
professors, and judges, backed by the software industry, has ...

"Cyber-Security Strategy Depends on Power of Suggestion"
The Department of Homeland Security's national cybersecurity
plan, released on Friday, lacks substantive action on the part of
the federal government, according to many experts.  Many
technology firms opposed active interference from the government, ...

"Digital Vaccine May Make Computer Networks Tolerant to a Fault"
Computer science graduate students at the University of
California at Irvine have developed techniques that allow
software engineers to inoculate computer systems against faulty
data.  Systems such as those used in international intelligence, ...

"'Selfish Routing' Slows the Internet"
By choosing the fastest route for data packets passing through
the Internet, individual systems hamper the overall flow of
information, according to Cornell University researchers speaking
at the annual American Association for the Advancement of Science ...

"Word 'Bursts' May Reveal Online Trends"
Cornell University computer scientist Jon Kleinberg believes that
new online trends can be identified faster through computer
algorithms that search for surges or "bursts" in the usage of
specific words.  "The key is to find unexpected changes in the ...

"Commerce Proposes IT Policy Restructuring"
The U.S. Commerce Department is proposing merging various
agencies that oversee information technology and
telecommunications policy into one agency in order to streamline
policy management.  Secretary of Commerce Don Evans wants to ...

"Faster Video for Wireless Devices?"
Truong Nguyen, an engineering professor at the University of
California, San Diego, has received more than $200,000 in grants
over three years to develop technology intended to improve the
quality of video delivered via wireless devices such as cell ...

"Tracking the Killer Worm"
The recent outbreak of the SQL Slammer worm could have been far
more damaging than it was, according to Giga Information Group
security analyst Michael Rasmussen, who believes the attack was
launched to demonstrate proof of concept.  Slammer could be a ...

"Disk-Drive Capacity Continues to Grow"
Dan Gillmor predicts that the if the current pace of innovation
keeps up, disk-drive users will soon have more inexpensive
storage capacity than they know what to do with.  Keeping pace
with storage advancements is the shrinking size of disk drives. ...

"Robots Are Getting More Sociable"
Scientists are trying to build sociable robots that could be used
not only to better understand human social interaction, but to
assist people both physically and psychologically.  "Robots have
always been an intriguing mirror to our own conception of what it ...

"Conversation With Marc Andreessen"
Netscape co-founder Marc Andreessen, who helped create the
groundbreaking Mosaic Web browser 10 years ago, says that
Internet navigation has not radically increased in sophistication
since then, despite his and others' assumptions that it would ...

"U.S. Backs Merging Net, Phone Numbers"
The Commerce Department has recommended that the United States
join a new electronic numbering system that will let people use
one identifier for various purposes, such as faxes, mobile
phones, instant messaging, and email.  The ENUM system is ...

"High Impact"
The question as to whether IT is making a fundamental difference
to society at large is a matter of debate, but there are
individuals striving to put their technology skills, expertise,
and corporate contacts to altruistic use.  Stanford University ...

"Survival Guide: Perspectives From the Field"
James Lewis of the Center for Strategic and International Studies
argues that doomsday scenarios of cyberattacks on America's
critical infrastructure are overblown.  He points out that most
cyberattacks are one-time assaults that result in minimal damage ...

The coming wave of technological development will present great
opportunities for minorities and the underprivileged, while at
the same time threaten to widen the "digital divide" between the
technological haves and the have-nots.  Wake Forest University's ...

"Supercomputing Resurrected"
Japan stole the supercomputing speed record from the United
States with the launch of NEC's Earth Simulator last March, an
event that signals a deep gap in the U.S. supercomputing
development effort, according to high-performance computing ...


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