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ACM TechNews - Monday, August 4, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 528
Date: August 4, 2003

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Top Stories for Monday, August 4, 2003:

"Wonders Aplenty at ACM's SIGGRAPH"
"The Age of Automation"
"NCCUSL Pulls Support for Controversial UCITA Law"
"More Calls to Vet Voting Machines"
"End of the Road For SMTP?"
"Supercomputing's New Idea Is Old One"
"Senator: ICANN Crucial to 'Net Security"
"Inventor Designs Sign Language Glove"
"Six Degrees of Exploitation?"
"Virtual Reality Conquers Sense of Taste"
"Behind the Blockbusters--Special Effects Tool Locks Characters Onto Film"
"Thought Leaders Gather to Direct the Reshaping of the Technology Workforce"
"Software Vulnerabilities Fade But Never Disappear"
"VR Accommodates Reality"
"Print a Hologram? Almost, Xerox Says"
"Databases Get an XML Infusion"
"Computing: Quantum Bits and Silicon Chips"
"The End of Handicaps"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Wonders Aplenty at ACM's SIGGRAPH"
The Emerging Technologies exhibition at this year's SIGGRAPH is a
showcase for 21 state-of-the-art innovations, including a
walk-thru fog screen onto which images can be projected, various
haptics technologies, and novel musical devices.  These ...

"The Age of Automation"
Automation is a running theme at the annual ACM SIGGRAPH conference,
as researchers refocus their energies on developing machines that
will take over routine tasks to relieve human beings of everyday
burdens, a trend that Michael Kanellos terms "extroverted ...

"NCCUSL Pulls Support for Controversial UCITA Law"
The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
(NCCUSL) has withdrawn its advocacy of the Uniform Computer
Information Transaction Act (UCITA), attributing the reversal to
rampant political resistance to the measure, which would ...

"More Calls to Vet Voting Machines"
Computerized voting technology is coming under increased scrutiny
from decision-makers following a Johns Hopkins University report.
The study uncovered serious flaws in the source code of Diebold
touch-screen voting machines, more than 40,000 of which are ...

"End of the Road For SMTP?"
Internet experts are clamoring to change the email backbone
protocol, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), or alter some of
its aspects in order to stem the flow of spam.  Spam volume is
estimated to be as much as 50 percent of that of legitimate ...

"Supercomputing's New Idea Is Old One"
The custom-designed vector supercomputer pioneered by the late
Seymour Cray fell out of fashion in favor of machines built from
low-cost, mass-produced microprocessors.  But Tera founder Burton
J. Smith, who acquired Cray Research three years ago, is reviving ...

"Senator: ICANN Crucial to 'Net Security"
At the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Communications hearing
concerning ICANN, the subcommittee's chairman Sen. Conrad Burns
(R-Mont.) expressed the view that ICANN should increase its
responsibility to the public.  Burns indicated concern about the ...

"Inventor Designs Sign Language Glove"
George Washington University researcher Jose Hernandez-Rebollar's
AcceleGlove is a system in which a glove outfitted with sensors
and a wearable computer can convert American Sign Language (ASL)
gestures into spoken words or text as an aid to the ...

"Six Degrees of Exploitation?"
Visible Path, Spoke Software, and ZeroDegrees are readying
software that can analyze the email correspondence, electronic
calendars, address books, and instant-message buddy lists of a
company's employees to trace their relationships with outside ...

"Virtual Reality Conquers Sense of Taste"
Researchers at the University of Tsukuba in Japan have developed
a virtual reality device that is able to simulate the taste of
food and the way food feels in the mouth.  Researchers already
have been able to simulate vision, hearing, touch, and smell, but ...

"Behind the Blockbusters--Special Effects Tool Locks Characters Onto Film"
Computer graphics must be matched precisely with real objects in
movie footage, or else the camera's different frame of reference
for those objects will ruin the effect.  Motion-tracking software
called Fastrack from the National Science Foundation's Integrated ...

"Thought Leaders Gather to Direct the Reshaping of the Technology Workforce"
The Anita Borg Celebration and Technology Summit will take place
Sept. 9, 2003, at Stanford University.  The event will serve as
an opportunity for top executives, visionaries, and technologists
to celebrate the life and vision of Borg, who died of brain ...

"Software Vulnerabilities Fade But Never Disappear"
Qualys CTO Gerhard Eschelbeck presented his "Laws of
Vulnerabilities" at the Black Hat security conference in Las
Vegas, detailing various conclusions about the behavior and
longevity of software flaws drawn from a study of 1.24 million ...

"VR Accommodates Reality"
Flight simulators and other virtual reality systems incorporate
concrete elements to give artificial environments a ring of
authenticity, and University of North Carolina and Disney
Corporation researchers have developed a system that mixes real ...

"Print a Hologram? Almost, Xerox Says"
A new Xerox technology that takes advantage of a common glitch in
the laser printing process could be used to certify hard copies
of printed documents, much like holographic stickers are used to
authenticate drivers licenses and credit cards.  Xerox ...

"Databases Get an XML Infusion"
Databases must store and manage XML documents now that XML is
capable of depicting both document data and database data through
the deployment of a hybrid SQL/XML relational database management
system (RDBMS).  OpenLink CEO Kingsley Idehen remarks that "human ...

"Computing: Quantum Bits and Silicon Chips"
Bridging the gap between quantum and desktop computers is the
goal of University College London materials scientist Marshall
Stoneham, who has received 3.7 million pounds to flesh out a
quantum device that calculates efficiently, functions at higher ...

"The End of Handicaps"
In an address to the CSUN 18th Annual Conference on "Technology
and Persons with Disabilities," futurist and National Medal of
Technology recipient Ray Kurzweil presented his vision of the
sweeping technological changes he expects to take place over the ...


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