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ACM TechNews - Wednesday, July 30, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 526
Date: July 30, 2003

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Top Stories for Wednesday, July 30, 2003:

"Big Bang Meets Graphics at ACM Confab"
"Federal Data Searches on Hit List"
"Race Is On for Mobile Graphics"
"SGI Unveils Update to OpenGL Graphics Spec"
"And Now, Here Comes 'Spray-On Electronics'"
"Robert V.D. Campbell, ACM Co-Founder, Dies at 86"
"World's First Tunable 'Photon Copier' On a Chip"
"AI Depends on Your Point of View"
"U.S. Shrugs Off World's Address Shortage"
"Symposium Connects Students With Latest Tech Advances"
"Experiment to Outfit Classroom With Sensors"
"Open Source Gets Down to Business"
"CERT Project Takes Cue From National Security Plan"
"Helping Machines Think Different"
"The Future of Human Knowledge: The Semantic Web"
"Australia Considers Sending Spammers to Jail"
"DNS Is Busting Out All Over"
"Stuff That Works"
"A More User-Friendly Direction"
"Hybrid Semiconductor-Molecular Nanoelectronics"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Big Bang Meets Graphics at ACM Confab"
Among the scientific research that computer graphics technology
is contributing to is a Cambridge University project that
compares ancient radiation patterns to computer simulations to
determine that the universe has a planar shape, according to ...

"Federal Data Searches on Hit List"
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) is working with a wide range of privacy
groups to restrict data mining of federal and commercial
databases by the CIA and the Defense, Homeland Security, and
Treasury departments.  His newly drafted Citizens' Protection in ...

"Race Is On for Mobile Graphics"
One of the major events at the ACM SIGGRAPH conference will be the
official debut of OpenGL Embedded Systems version 1.0, marking
the formal start of a race to define handheld graphics.  Nokia
and Motorola will state their support for OpenGL ES at the ...

"SGI Unveils Update to OpenGL Graphics Spec"
SGI declared that the OpenGL 1.5 application programming
interface (API) introduced on July 28 will enable developers to
write shader applications in real time and facilitate more
realistic graphical image rendering.  The update features OpenGL ...

"And Now, Here Comes 'Spray-On Electronics'"
IBM, Philips, and Bell Labs are developing organic transistors as
a basis for plastic electronics, but Plastic Logic of Cambridge,
England, claims to have a competitive advantage with a patented
technique for printing "spray-on" polymer-based circuits. ...

"Robert V.D. Campbell, ACM Co-Founder, Dies at 86"
Robert van Duyne Campbell, one of the eight founders of the
Association for Computing Machinery, died July 1 in Boston at
the age of 86. The noted computer pioneer collaborated with
Howard Aiken and IBM to develop the first programs for the ...

"World's First Tunable 'Photon Copier' On a Chip"
Researchers at the University of California at Santa Barbara
(UCSB) have moved one step closer to an all-optical network by
constructing an integrated photonic circuit that can transcribe
data from one optical hue to another by embedding a widely ...

"AI Depends on Your Point of View"
The Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) of the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has launched an
effort to develop computers that can think for themselves, and
the Real-World Reasoning project is part of this effort.  The ...

"U.S. Shrugs Off World's Address Shortage"
Outside the United States, the world is running out of IP
addresses under the IPv4 system and is adopting Internet Protocol
version 6 (IPv6).  North America was assigned 70 percent of the
4.3 billion possible IP addresses under the current v4 system, so ...

"Symposium Connects Students With Latest Tech Advances"
Some 1,500 high school students 15 to 18 years old have convened
in San Jose for the National Youth Leadership Forum on
Technology, a 10-day symposium featuring workshops, seminars,
campus visits, roundtable discussions, and demonstrations of ...

"Experiment to Outfit Classroom With Sensors"
UCLA electrical engineering professor Mani Srivastava is leading
a project to equip a first grade classroom with minuscule
electronic sensors in order to monitor student interactions and
how they relate to academic performance.  The National Science ...

"Open Source Gets Down to Business"
Former Wall Street IT director and MIT engineering graduate
Robert Lefkowitz now advises the open-source community on how its
products can better meet the needs of the commercial sector.
Most recently, he spoke at a Linux summit in Ottawa, Canada, and ...

"CERT Project Takes Cue From National Security Plan"
The CERT Coordination Center is looking to create information
sharing best practices that could be used in a security
Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC), a recommendation
included in the U.S. National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace that ...

"Helping Machines Think Different"
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) says it has
embarked on a series of projects in recent months that on the
surface may seem isolated, but are in fact part of an overarching
push to make computers capable of thinking for themselves. ...

"The Future of Human Knowledge: The Semantic Web"
An international team of scientists is defining and devising
standards, protocols, and technologies that will form the
foundation of the Semantic Web, a more context-aware version of
the Internet envisioned as an online source for the collective ...

"Australia Considers Sending Spammers to Jail"
Symantec managing director John Donovan is a member of an
advisory group helping develop new Australian anti-spam
legislation, but thinks that the penalties should be more severe
than the final document states, noting that companies in the ...

"DNS Is Busting Out All Over"
The Domain Name System is the basis of several new technologies,
showing that the 20-year-old system is still robust and unlikely
to fade away quietly.  Radio frequency identification (RFID)
technology is being tied to DNS as a way to keep data off the ...

"Stuff That Works"
North American companies are embracing three technologies--Wi-Fi,
voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and the open-source Linux
operating system--that may actually fulfill their potential and
transform business models.  Wi-Fi promises anytime, anywhere ...

"A More User-Friendly Direction"
Computer users are often frustrated by unreliable software and
interfaces, and improving product usability requires detailed
documentation of the extent of the problem, documentation that is
in short supply.  In his book, "Leonardo's Laptop: Human Needs ...

"Hybrid Semiconductor-Molecular Nanoelectronics"
The creation of denser integrated circuits based on complementary
metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology is limited by the
sensitivity of silicon field-effect transistor parameters to
random alterations of device size, and many engineers and ...


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