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ACM TechNews - Monday, July 21, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 522
Date: July 21, 2003

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Top Stories for Monday, July 21, 2003:

"Senate Votes to Deny Funding to Computer Surveillance Effort"
"Apple Co-Founder Creates Electronic ID Tags"
"Hard-Disk Drive Industry Braces for Technology Changes"
"Two Men, Two Ways to Speak Computerese and Two Big Successes"
"CMU Lands $7 Million Federal Contract for Software That Thinks"
"Voting Machines Need Paper Trails"
"Researchers Study Internet Trust Issues, Create Solution"
"Universities Compete for NSF Nanotech Program Worth Millions"
"The Merging of GPS and the Web"
"Sensors Guard Privacy"
"Your House May Track Your Movements"
"Grid Computing: Fulfilling the Promise of the Internet"
"Doctoral Student Developing New Facial Recognition System"
"Survival Guide: John McCarthy, Executive Director of the
 Critical Infrastructure Protection Project"
"Digital Homes"
"Every Move You Make"
"Security Lockdown"
"Holographic Data Storage: When Will It Happen?"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Senate Votes to Deny Funding to Computer Surveillance Effort"
The Senate has voted against funding a controversial computer
program backed by the Pentagon.  A setback for what is now called
the Terrorism Information Awareness program, the Senate added a
provision to deny funding for the computer surveillance effort in ...

"Apple Co-Founder Creates Electronic ID Tags"
Steve Wozniak's Wheels of Zeus company has unveiled its first
product, a wireless tracking system for personal property, pets,
and people.  WozNet, as the system is called, involves tags
attached to the person or thing to be tracked, base stations that ...

"Hard-Disk Drive Industry Braces for Technology Changes"
New serial technologies are set to replace standard SCSI and ATA
(Advanced Technology Attachment) interfaces over the next two
years, even as hard-disk drive manufacturers prepare for an
entirely new form of bit storage.  Perpendicular recording will ...

"Two Men, Two Ways to Speak Computerese and Two Big Successes"
Larry Wall and Guido van Rossum each created their open source
scripting languages, Perl and Python, respectively, in the 1980s
and earned the loyalty of users by providing an easy way to write
code without extensive computer science expertise.  Despite the ...

"CMU Lands $7 Million Federal Contract for Software That Thinks"
Carnegie Mellon University has won a $7 million contract to
develop software that will enable computer systems to learn by
receiving advice and instruction from human masters.  Awarded by
the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the ...

"Voting Machines Need Paper Trails"
California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley is set to issue rules
for so-called "Direct Recording Electronic" (DRE) machines that
tally election votes digitally.  The case represents the on-going
battle between eager advocates of updated technology and those ...

"Researchers Study Internet Trust Issues, Create Solution"
Purdue University computer science researchers are working on
creating a more trustworthy environment for online transactions.
Using mathematic models, the researchers are examining how to
collect more reliable information about a certain users' ...

"Universities Compete for NSF Nanotech Program Worth Millions"
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is ready to award funding
to a new university consortium that will carry forward
nanotechnology research for the next decade.  The new National
Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) will replace the ...

"The Merging of GPS and the Web"
Corporate technology leaders still have yet to exploit the
integration of global positioning system (GPS) technology and the
Web, though the technical standards for doing so are emerging.
Map applications, for example, could be integrated with GPS ...

"Sensors Guard Privacy"
Tracking the location of people accurately via sensor networks
while keeping their identities private is the goal of software
designed by researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
"Our work applies...anonymity or depersonalization on-the-fly to ...

"Your House May Track Your Movements"
Pervasive computing could benefit from research in Australia
involving the use of sound to track people as they move around a
building.  Dr. Arkady Zaslavsky, associate professor at the
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Monash ...

"Grid Computing: Fulfilling the Promise of the Internet"
Grid computing allows the Internet to fulfill its full potential,
turning the network itself into a powerful computing platform
available anytime, anywhere.  On its 30th anniversary, the
Internet allows collaboration and sharing throughout the world ...

"Doctoral Student Developing New Facial Recognition System"
Virginia Tech Ph.D. engineering student and Sagem Morpho senior
product engineer Creed Jones is developing software involving
highly complicated mathematics in order to improve face
recognition systems, whose accuracy can be affected by variant ...

"Survival Guide: John McCarthy, Executive Director of the
 Critical Infrastructure Protection Project"
The Critical Infrastructure Protection Project, a joint venture
between James Madison and George Mason universities in Virginia,
seeks to shield the United States' critical infrastructure and
solve cybersecurity problems through an interdisciplinary ...

"Digital Homes"
The concept of the networked home--a living space characterized
by "ambient intelligence" where digital devices intuit and
respond to user needs--is growing in popularity thanks to a surge
in broadband adoption, the development of more user-friendly ...

"Every Move You Make"
Despite his crushing defeat to Deep Blue six years ago, world
chess champion Garry Kasparov insists that computers have given
chess new life--indeed, they have effected a radical
transformation of the game.  The addition of computers and more ...

"Security Lockdown"
The 2003 InfoWorld Security Survey of over 500 IT executives and
strategists finds that readers' security tactics have changed,
with greater emphasis on internal security and less investment in
outsourcing.  Forty-nine percent of respondents report that their ...

"Holographic Data Storage: When Will It Happen?"
The commercialization of holographic data storage (HDS) is being
held back by a lack of funding as well as problems in finding the
best recording materials, be they crystals, polymers, or glasses.
Photorefractive crystals were highly touted as an HDS medium for ...


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