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ACM TechNews - Wednesday, August 13, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 532
Date: August 13, 2003

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Top Stories for Wednesday, August 13, 2003:

"Internet Worm Targets Windows"
"U.S. Report Calls for Balanced Approach to Supercomputer R&D"
"With E-Mail, It's Not Easy to Navigate 6 Degrees of Separation"
"Tiny Remote Sensors Could Reshape Research"
"Sponsor's Surrender Won't End UCITA Battle"
"U.S. Tech Workers Training Their Replacements"
"Midlife Crisis for the Hard Drive"
"Many Bluetooth Gadgets Open to Wireless Snooping"
"Ultrawideband Renews High-Speed Wireless Hopes"
"Wish You Were Here, Send Brains"
"Georgia Tech Researchers Create the World's Fastest Detailed
 Computer Simulations of the Internet"
"Display Is All Smoke and Mirrors"
"Wireless Network Attacks Get a Public Airing"
"'Spintronics' Could Enable a New Generation of Electronic
 Devices, Physicists Say"
"Test Before You Leap"
"Basic Research in the Information Technology Industry"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Internet Worm Targets Windows"
Though the Blaster worm that started proliferating on Aug. 11 is
not designed to be particularly destructive, it is enough of a
headache to cause the shutdown of government agencies and
services such as the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration, ...

"U.S. Report Calls for Balanced Approach to Supercomputer R&D"
The continued health of the U.S. supercomputing effort will be
determined by a federal strategy that supports the research and
development of both custom-built and commercially available
supercomputing technologies in equal measure, according to a ...

"With E-Mail, It's Not Easy to Navigate 6 Degrees of Separation"
Columbia University researchers report in the journal Science the
confirmation that six degrees of separation do indeed exist
between any two people in the world, but contacting far-flung
people through this chain of acquaintances is usually a futile ...

"Tiny Remote Sensors Could Reshape Research"
Wireless sensor networks, also known as smart dust, are expected
to revolutionize scientific research.  In one smart dust
experiment, small sensors linked to batteries, radios, and
computers are scattered throughout a redwood forest in ...

"Sponsor's Surrender Won't End UCITA Battle"
Although the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform
State Laws (NCCUSL) was pressured by broad opposition to stop
campaigning for the state-by-state adoption of the Uniform
Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA), both opponents and ...

"U.S. Tech Workers Training Their Replacements"
American tech workers are frustrated and disgusted that they are
being forced to train replacements from India and other foreign
lands brought in on visas such as the L-1.  The L-1
classification permits companies with U.S. branches to send ...

"Midlife Crisis for the Hard Drive"
The growth rate of hard-drive data density appears to be slowing
down, and analysts such as Ashok Kumar of U.S. Bancorp Piper
Jaffray attribute this slackening to basic technological
constraints.  Currie Munce of Hitachi Global Storage Technologies ...

"Many Bluetooth Gadgets Open to Wireless Snooping"
A researcher in the United Kingdom has created an eavesdropping
tool to show how vulnerable Bluetooth-enabled laptops, mobile
phones, and handheld computers are to someone looking to steal
data from the devices.  Ollie Whitehouse, who works for the ...

"Ultrawideband Renews High-Speed Wireless Hopes"
Ultrawideband (UWB) will be ready to move from its consumer
electronics niche to the enterprise, once a task force of the
IEEE's Wireless Personal Area Networking working group settles on
UWB standards.  The leading candidate for 802.15.3a ...

"Wish You Were Here, Send Brains"
The two Mars Exploration Rovers currently en route to the red
planet rely on mostly old hardware and a fragile data connection,
but scientists are planning to make the probes carry out far more
sophisticated maneuvers and experiments by swapping old software ...

"Georgia Tech Researchers Create the World's Fastest Detailed
 Computer Simulations of the Internet"
A Georgia Institute of Technology project funded by the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency has yielded detailed computer
network simulations that can be accomplished almost in real time.
"Our team has created a computer simulation that is two to three ...

"Display Is All Smoke and Mirrors"
University of Finland researchers demonstrated the feasibility of
"Fog Screen" technology at ACM SIGGRAPH's recent Emerging
Technologies event.  The Fog Screen prototype consists of a
non-turbulent, laminar airflow within which a thin layer of dry, ...

"Wireless Network Attacks Get a Public Airing"
The USENIX Association's recent Security Symposium in Washington
was a showcase for federally funded academic research focusing on
security threats to wired and wireless networks.  Stanford
University researchers demonstrated a timing attack, in which a ...

"'Spintronics' Could Enable a New Generation of Electronic
 Devices, Physicists Say"
Spintronics could be the key to building smaller and smaller
electronic devices by allowing electrical current to pass through
conducting materials without any dissipation of energy--and at
room temperature.  Theoretical physicists from the University of ...

"Test Before You Leap"
Test-driven development (TDD) that takes advantage of "agile"
methodologies such as eXtreme Programming and novel approaches to
software testing helps improve software significantly.  The
implementation of TDD does not make quality-assurance (QA) ...

As computers become essential research tools in both academia and
industry, the value of IT experts is rising, although traditional
researchers still get the lion's share of the recognition.
GlaxoSmithKline's Andrew Davies notes that "The boundary between ...

"Basic Research in the Information Technology Industry"
IT companies are backing basic research in physics and other
fields in order to foster innovations that can help bring smaller
and smaller IT components to market faster so that performance
gains are accompanied by price reductions.  Companies can only be ...


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